Sunday, November 2, 2014

Timothy McMenamin (@McMenamin4OR) | Twitter

Like most Oregonians, I am deeply concerned about Oregon's spending priorities. We have little to show for the alarming growth in spending. Oregon's government has lacked accountability and transparency. Poor decisions have led to over spending and waste. As your State Representative I will work to restore appropriate spending priorities in Salem. The Legislature has held schools and public safety hostage every time they want more revenue for non-essential programs. Spending has increased remarkably while the quality of core government services has significantly decreased. Many agencies are ineffective and inefficient with little or no legislative oversight. As your State Representative I will work to promote job growth and long-term economic stability. I value hard work and will work to make it possible for businesses to do what they do best --- create jobs and ignite the economy. Regulations should guide, not restrict, and tax policy should encourage, not discourage, entrepreneurial risk-taking and small business creation.

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