Wednesday, April 2, 2014

PGE takes breather on new power plants until it figures out how to replace Boardman

PGE's action plan includes a series of pilot programs and experiments that will help it determine how to replace the Boardman coal plant, the utility's largest source of electricity, which closes in 2020. The utility has a growing dependence on natural gas to meet demand, leaving customers more exposed to what has historically been very volatile fuel prices. PGE has been spending heavily on new resources to backfill a long-standing generation shortfall that's being exacerbated by the expiration of long-term hydroelectric contracts between now and 2018. The utility is also adding wind energy to comply with state renewable energy mandates. It's the utility's largest set of capital expenditures since it invested in its now- shuttered Trojan nuclear plant. Ratepayers will begin seeing the impact of those investments in rates next year with RATE INCREASES!!

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