Show your support in the reform of Parental Rights and Equal Shared Rights for Parents. There are too many parents that have been alienated from their children, Its time we make a change. Make Shared Parenting Happen Now in Oregon!! Show Your Support For Legislatures and Candidates That You Support Shared Parenting in Oregon. Send Senator Floyd Prozanski (D-Eugene) That We Want Shared Parenting in the January 2015 session. No More Alienation!
A native Oregonian having been born and raised in our District. A Pharmacy Manager of a Community and Retail Pharmacy. I know how to run a business. A Long Term Care Pharmacist. I know the issues facing our aging baby boomers. A full time Care Giver. I know what it is like to struggle with work and caring for our aging parents.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
The widening scandal involving PSU faculty staff approving payments from school accounts to domestic terrorists
EXCLUSIVE: Dateline Tuesday May 27, 2014 – Portland, Oregon: Over the Memorial Day weekend details emerged in the widening scandal involving PSU faculty staff approving payments from school accounts to domestic terrorists, Black Panthers, communists, anti-semtics and other assorted controversial figures. The payments were made in the form of stipends paid directly to the speakers who were part of an Anarchists Conference which went awry with chaos. A video of the mayhem went viral on YouTube. President of the University Wim Wiewel was copied in the email thread in which a representative of the University provided the details of expenses which were paid out. According to the email received over the Memorial Day weekend, the event, "The 5th Annual Law and Disorder Conference,” was subsidized at a total cost $18,612.00. By Daylight Disinfectant:
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Handling of Oregon marriage ruling an affront to all Oregonians
I strongly oppose Federal District Judge Michael McShane’s decision to overturn Oregon’s constitutional amendment that defines a marriage as a union between one man and one woman. The Judge ruled the Amendment unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment because, in his view, the Oregon marriage law discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation, without any rational relationship to any legitimate government interest. We hear constituents express their abject disgust with Oregon politics and judicial activism on virtually a daily basis. Unfortunately, many Oregon politicians and judges have established a long history of earning that disrespect. In my opinion, Judge McShane and Attorney General Rosenblum’s performance in Federal District Court have elevated the reason for that disgust to a new and unprecedented level.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
Who Will Miss The Milk Carton Boat Races at Westmoreland Park??
2013 Milk Carton Boat Race – We’ll preview the 2013 Dairy Farmers of Oregon Milk Carton Boat Race taking place this coming Sunday at the Westmoreland Park Casting Pond in Southeast Portland, where handmade boats that float only by means of recycled milk cartons and jugs will compete against one another for the coveted Best in Show milk can trophy! Westmoreland Park SE 22nd Ave & Rex St – Portland.
Life’s Touchdowns With Team Spirit!
At Milwaukie High School I played for one of only three football teams in Oregon’s history that were undefeated state champion contenders. This is back when we had winners and losers. Back before they broke up the powerhouse leagues. We were rated last in our league. We had the smallest offensive line for our division in the state. There was no way we were going to win a single game according to the"experts.” So, how did a bunch of scrubs from the wrong side of the tracks in Milwaukie manage to pull off an undefeated season? Teamwork: we communicated, cooperated, coordinated, and got the job done. Now, we are playing the game of life.
"Governor Kitzhaber Are You Going to Jail?" Confronted Over CoverOregon CoverUp
Great Journalism Dan Sandini! To Bad Our Local Stations Don't Ask The Same Questions!
Thursday, May 22, 2014
A Note From Tim McMenamin For Oregon
Tuesday I won the Republican nomination for State Representative House District 41, Oak Grove, Milwaukie, Moreland, Sellwood, and Errol Heights. During the next few months I plan to earn your trust and earn your vote. I'll see you on your doorstep, on street corners, at community festivals and at neighborhood gatherings. Our campaign will be energetic, inclusive and fun. But now the hard work begins to win the general election – and I'll need your help. Join Us This Weekend for The Multnomah County Fair at Oaks Amusement Park.
A Note From Tim McMenamin For Oregon
Tuesday I won the Republican nomination for State Representative House District 41, Oak Grove, Milwaukie, Moreland, Sellwood, and Errol Heights. During the next few months I plan to earn your trust and earn your vote. I'll see you on your doorstep, on street corners, at community festivals and at neighborhood gatherings. Our campaign will be energetic, inclusive and fun. But now the hard work begins to win the general election – and I'll need your help. Join Us This Weekend for The Multnomah County Fair at Oaks Amusement Park.
Editorial Oregon’s stupidity ratio
The Oregon Legislature proclaimed in 2011 that 11-1 is the right ratio of employees to supervisors in state government. Gov. John Kitzhaber signed it into law. And now that law — based on the really stupid idea that there is a right ratio — is producing really stupid government. Where did the 11-1 goal come from? Unions backed it. The law was supposed to improve state government by thinning out"unnecessary and counterproductive layers of excessive management.” Did the state carefully research what the right ratio was for Oregon? Nope. This law did not improve state government. What the law did do is push the state toward a higher ratio of union-represented employees and a higher ratio of stupid laws.
Federal investigators issue subpoena to Cover Oregon, Oregon Health Authority
Oregon has spent $250 million and three years on an ambitious IT project that failed to produce a fully functional exchange. Instead, what was produced was bug-ridden and largely unfinished, documents show. Among other things, the FBI seems to be interested in whether state officials misled their federal counterparts about progress on the exchange in order to get more federal funding. The FBI has asked for all communications between the state and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the so-called "gate reviews," in which federal officials supposedly quizzed state officials about the status of the IT project.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Everyone should join the Ballot observer team in your county
By Janice Dysinger I am referring of course to the Secret Security Plan. In 2013 the legislature took out many reporting requirements that help us know how the elections deals with rejected, unused, soiled, discarded ballots. . The no longer have to tell us what happens to these ballots. Now they only have to tell us how many ballots they deam are valid. There is no reporting function for a breach in the security of the elections office. They don't have to tell us if the door was left open, some unauthorized person had access to the office, etc. Don't you think we have a right to know if there is a breach in security? If ballots are rejected? How many ballots they started out with, mailed, used, had left over?
Oregon Legislative Information System
Oregon Legislative Information System
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
MULTNOMAH COUNTY FAIR - Memorial Day Weekend - starts Saturday at Oaks Park
Join us for Patriotic Music - Do you sing? Do you play an instrument? Come join us. Come when you can and help hand out American Flags and Pocket Constitutions. Bring the kids .. they get to play the snare drum.. Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Noon to Seven PM.
Mr. McMenamin failed to cite the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
It is a travesty of justice that marriage, as the foundation of society, received no defense in the U.S. District Court. Attorney General, Ellen Rosenblum, in an extreme dereliction of her sworn duty to uphold the law, refused to represent the interests and the people of Oregon. It is a sad day for democracy when one federally appointed judge can overturn, without any representation, the express will of the people of Oregon. Redefining marriage confuses the true purpose and meaning of marriage. An act deliberately ensuring that more children will grow up motherless or fatherless is not an act of love. How does a Federal Judge overturn Oregon's Constitution sighting Violation of The Fourtenth Amendment and Our Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum will not do her job. When Ms. Rosenblum voted against the 14th Amendment when she served on the Oregon Court of Appeals. JURISDICTION::
This action concerns non-custodial parents’
due-process rights in legal matters that affect their
children generally and those rights in the context of
the custodial parent’s decision to change the
children’s names specifically. Pet. at 2. Ms. Ewing
protests that this Court lacks jurisdiction to hear
these issues because Mr. McMenamin failed to raise
them below. Resp.’s Br. at 2, 15-20. The entire
proceeding below concerned three due-process issues:
(1) Ms. Ewing’s benefiting from her false affidavit
stating that Mr. McMenamin had neither
supported nor resided with the children;
(2) Ms. Ewing’s failure to serve or notify Mr.
McMenamin of her name-change petition; and
(3) The trial court’s failure to follow the Oregon
Supreme Court’s binding precedent.
The jurisdictional question that Ms. Ewing asks –
but answers incorrectly – is whether these dueprocess
issues constitute a federal question if Mr.
McMenamin failed to cite the Due Process Clause of
the Fourteenth Amendment.
This action concerns non-custodial parents’
due-process rights in legal matters that affect their
children generally and those rights in the context of
the custodial parent’s decision to change the
children’s names specifically. Pet. at 2. Ms. Ewing
protests that this Court lacks jurisdiction to hear
these issues because Mr. McMenamin failed to raise
them below. Resp.’s Br. at 2, 15-20. The entire
proceeding below concerned three due-process issues:
(1) Ms. Ewing’s benefiting from her false affidavit
stating that Mr. McMenamin had neither
supported nor resided with the children;
(2) Ms. Ewing’s failure to serve or notify Mr.
McMenamin of her name-change petition; and
(3) The trial court’s failure to follow the Oregon
Supreme Court’s binding precedent.
The jurisdictional question that Ms. Ewing asks –
but answers incorrectly – is whether these dueprocess
issues constitute a federal question if Mr.
McMenamin failed to cite the Due Process Clause of
the Fourteenth Amendment.
Monday, May 19, 2014
From the Oregon Catholic Conference on today's ruling
"The Oregon Catholic Conference is deeply grieved by Judge Michael McShane's ruling to redefine marriage. It is a travesty of justice that marriage, as the foundation of society, received no defense in the U.S. District Court. Attorney General, Ellen Rosenblum, in an extreme dereliction of her sworn duty to uphold the law, refused to represent the interests and the people of Oregon. It is a sad day for democracy when one federally appointed judge can overturn, without any representation, the express will of the people of Oregon.
Despite the judge's ruling, authentic marriage remains what it has always and only been according to God's design: the loving union between one man and one woman for the mutual benefit of the two who have become one flesh and any children born of their union. Redefining marriage confuses the true purpose and meaning of marriage. An act deliberately ensuring that more children will grow up motherless or fatherless is not an act of love. The Oregon Catholic Conference will continue to uphold the true meaning of marriage and advocate for genuine marriages and families in Oregon, and it urges all people of good will to continue to reject the flawed notion that a pairing of two people of the same gender constitutes a marriage. "
Despite the judge's ruling, authentic marriage remains what it has always and only been according to God's design: the loving union between one man and one woman for the mutual benefit of the two who have become one flesh and any children born of their union. Redefining marriage confuses the true purpose and meaning of marriage. An act deliberately ensuring that more children will grow up motherless or fatherless is not an act of love. The Oregon Catholic Conference will continue to uphold the true meaning of marriage and advocate for genuine marriages and families in Oregon, and it urges all people of good will to continue to reject the flawed notion that a pairing of two people of the same gender constitutes a marriage. "
Mr. McMenamin failed to cite the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
How does a Federal Judge overturn Oregon's Constitution sighting Violation of The Fourtenth Amendment and Our Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum will not do her job. When Ms. Rosenblum voted against the 14th Amendment when she served on the Oregon Court of Appeals. JURISDICTION::
This action concerns non-custodial parents’
due-process rights in legal matters that affect their
children generally and those rights in the context of
the custodial parent’s decision to change the
children’s names specifically. Pet. at 2. Ms. Ewing
protests that this Court lacks jurisdiction to hear
these issues because Mr. McMenamin failed to raise
them below. Resp.’s Br. at 2, 15-20. The entire
proceeding below concerned three due-process issues:
(1) Ms. Ewing’s benefiting from her false affidavit
stating that Mr. McMenamin had neither
supported nor resided with the children;
(2) Ms. Ewing’s failure to serve or notify Mr.
McMenamin of her name-change petition; and
(3) The trial court’s failure to follow the Oregon
Supreme Court’s binding precedent.
The jurisdictional question that Ms. Ewing asks –
but answers incorrectly – is whether these dueprocess
issues constitute a federal question if Mr.
McMenamin failed to cite the Due Process Clause of
the Fourteenth Amendment.
This action concerns non-custodial parents’
due-process rights in legal matters that affect their
children generally and those rights in the context of
the custodial parent’s decision to change the
children’s names specifically. Pet. at 2. Ms. Ewing
protests that this Court lacks jurisdiction to hear
these issues because Mr. McMenamin failed to raise
them below. Resp.’s Br. at 2, 15-20. The entire
proceeding below concerned three due-process issues:
(1) Ms. Ewing’s benefiting from her false affidavit
stating that Mr. McMenamin had neither
supported nor resided with the children;
(2) Ms. Ewing’s failure to serve or notify Mr.
McMenamin of her name-change petition; and
(3) The trial court’s failure to follow the Oregon
Supreme Court’s binding precedent.
The jurisdictional question that Ms. Ewing asks –
but answers incorrectly – is whether these dueprocess
issues constitute a federal question if Mr.
McMenamin failed to cite the Due Process Clause of
the Fourteenth Amendment.
Sellwood controversy Marijuana dispensary"moratorium”?
On March 21, the Oregon Health Authority announced it had issued licenses to eight medical marijuana dispensaries – one of them in Sellwood. Since then, more than forty such licenses have reportedly been issued statewide. On April 2nd, neighbors of the new Sellwood storefront gathered at the General Public Meeting of the Sellwood-Westmoreland neighborhood association, SMILE, to seek its backing for their request for a moratorium on the already-opened store. The moratorium, through an act of the Oregon State Legislature, would close the doors of the business for up to a year, after which it could reopen and operate normally. The motion was seconded, and carried by a vote of 8 to 2. How the city may react to this blanket request is, as this is written, unknown. (Eric Norberg contributed to this report.)
The Libertarian Party of Oregon (LPO) exists to encourage and facilitate libertarian activities throughout the state
We, the members of the Libertarian Party of Oregon, hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and oppose the initiation of force or fraud as a means of achieving political or social goals. We are dedicated to the right of all individuals to live in whatever manner they choose, as long as they do not forcibly interfere with the right of others to live as they choose. Governments throughout history, including our own, have operated on the principle that the state has the right to control the lives of individuals and confiscate the fruits of their labor. All other political parties in this country grant government these powers. We, however, hold that governments, when instituted, have only one legitimate function: to protect the rights of the individual.
portlandia Tim McMenamin For Oregon Candidate State Representative HD 41
As a Pharmacist and former Manager of a large Community Pharmacy, I understand our issues in health care and how to manage a business. Like most Oregonians, I am deeply concerned about Oregon's spending priorities. We have little to show for the alarming growth in spending. Oregon's government has lacked accountability and transparency. Poor decisions have led to over spending and waste.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Tim McMenamin For Oregon Meet & Greet Lew's Drive-In Saturday May 17 at 2 PM.
Still Time to come by Lew's Drive-In if You Have Some Questions. I will Be here at 2 PM until whenever my last supporter leaves. Then walk and knock to introduce myself to folks I may have not already met. Have to do it the Old Fashioned Way. I don't have $300,000 Dollars in Big Union Money from Out Of State to sen out flashy mailers twice a week. I'd rather meet you in person to discuss Your Issues. We will have Meet & Greets through November. I ask for Your Support and I have been working for it for three years now. I Am The Clear Choice For Your Voice In Salem.
Tim McMenamin For Oregon "Tired of the Government Abuse and Cronyism"
Tim McMenamin is The Clear Choice For Your Voice in Salem.
Candidate for State Representative House District 41 includes
Oak Grove, Milwaukie, Moreland, Sellwood, amd Errol Heights.
Candidate for State Representative House District 41 includes
Oak Grove, Milwaukie, Moreland, Sellwood, amd Errol Heights.
Tim McMenamin For Oregon Meet & Greet Lew's Drive-In Saturday May 17 at 2 PM.
As a Pharmacst and former Manager of a large Community Pharmacy, I understand our issues in health care and how to manage a business. Like most Oregonians, I am deeply concerned about Oregon's spending priorities. We have little to show for the alarming growth in spending. Oregon's government has lacked accountability and transparency. Poor decisions have led to over spending and waste.
Tim McMenamin The Clear Choice For You Voice in Salem as State Rep. HD 41
Tim McMenamin Candidate for State Representative House District 41.
Oak Grove, Milwaukie, Moreland, Sellwood, Errol Heights.
Tim McMenamin is The Clear Choice For You Voice in Salem.
Oak Grove, Milwaukie, Moreland, Sellwood, Errol Heights.
Tim McMenamin is The Clear Choice For You Voice in Salem.
Monica Wehby, James Buchal, and Bruce Broussard on Oregon Voters Digest
Continued discussions with local Oregon candidates Bruce Broussard, candidate for Multnomah County Commissioner #2 and Monica Whebly, candidate for U.S. Senator an James Buchal Candidate for US Congress.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Oregon Might Have To Pay Back Feds For Website Problems!!
The Obama administration’s candidate to run the Affordable Care Act says she would use the full extent of the law to recover any federal funds misspent on state health insurance exchanges. The latest numbers to come out of the Cover Oregon fiasco show that Oregon spent about $250 million to set up its troubled website. About 63 percent of that went toward IT services. The question is: Will Oregon have to pay any of that back now the state will be switching over to the federal website?
Thousands have not paid premiums for Cover Oregon health policies, placing coverage at risk
A large number of people who've signed up for private health insurers through the Cover Oregon health insurance exchange have not paid their first month's premiums, meaning they are at risk of going without coverage through November. This year, for the first time, most people who don't have health coverage risk a federal tax penalty that runs as much as 1 percent of household income. Once the first month's premium is paid and the policy is in place, under the Affordable Care Act consumers will have a much longer grace period – 90 days—to reinstate insurance after failing to pay.
Portland Street Fee Would Create Big Bills for Other Local Governments
Local government agencies are discovering the City of Portland plans to charge them what could be hundreds of thousands of dollars a year under Mayor Charlie Hales' proposed "street fee" plan. Hales and City Commissioner Steve Novick have for months been showing citizens the structure of the fee, which would charge households up to $12 a month and businesses much more. The proposal is unusual because government agencies often can't levy taxes against each other. But the Portland Bureau of Transportation confirms that it plans to charge the fee to governments.
Among the public agencies now being told: Oregon Health & Sciences University, Portland State University and the Port of Portland.
Among the public agencies now being told: Oregon Health & Sciences University, Portland State University and the Port of Portland.
Chief clerk of Oregon House, Ramona Line, resigns over PERS lobbying
The longtime chief clerk of the Oregon House has been bounced from her post over her lobbying for a 2007 bill amendment that may have benefited her financially. The resignation comes as The Oregonian had launched an investigation into the 2007 bill and Line's role. The amendment Line lobbied for allowed a very limited group of PERS members to repurchase past service credit and retirement account balances they had previously liquidated with money rolled over from the state's deferred compensation plan. The repurchase gave Line full credit for her retirement, plus interest while she continued working. She was among a small number of PERS members who qualified under the amendment.
WoW! Who Lives In State Rep. Mitch Greenlich's District? No Wonder Our Budget Keeps Going Up!!
For reminding us of how far we've come since restaurant smoking bans, the January 2013 Nanny of the Month goes to Oregon Rep. Mitch Greenlick (D-Portland)! But 2013's first nod goes to the northwest nag whose new bill, if passed, would expand the drug war by categorizing cigarettes as a Schedule III controlled substance (along with LSD). You'd need a doctor's prescription to get your mitts on tobacco products (including cigars), and if you disobey, you could be looking at a fine of $6,250, up to a year in prison, or both! Our nation's nannies, scolds, and buttinskies started 2013 with a renewed hunger to mind other people's business. Lucky didn't pass. Our State needs the sin tax!
Retire Earl Blumenhauer!! Vote James Buchal for Congress!!
Know your river: A float through Portland's toxic 10-mile stretch on the Willamette River.
Rep. Earl Blumenauer wants to cut Willamette Superfund costs. His wife works for a company paying the bills. But Blumenauer rarely—if ever—publicly acknowledges the conflict of interest he has on the Portland Harbor debate: His wife, Margaret D. Kirkpatrick, is senior vice president and general counsel for NW Natural. The utility last year awarded her $769,080 in total compensation—including salary, bonuses and other benefits—and her NW Natural stock holdings are valued at $347,000.
Rep. Earl Blumenauer wants to cut Willamette Superfund costs. His wife works for a company paying the bills. But Blumenauer rarely—if ever—publicly acknowledges the conflict of interest he has on the Portland Harbor debate: His wife, Margaret D. Kirkpatrick, is senior vice president and general counsel for NW Natural. The utility last year awarded her $769,080 in total compensation—including salary, bonuses and other benefits—and her NW Natural stock holdings are valued at $347,000.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
KATU Obtained a Report from Oregon Listing State Workers' Salaries Compared to those in the Private Sector.
Thank You Jeff Krupf and Oregon Capital Watch for bringing this to Steve Dunn at KATU.
The state is using an average salary for groups of employees. So imagine an employee is making $10,000 a month in total compensation in the private sector, and say the state worker is making a market ratio of 140 percent. That means the state worker would make $14,000 in total compensation a month for doing basically the same job as someone in the private sector. "When I served in the Legislature, I never knew this report existed," Kropf said. "Nobody in that building sees this report. Only the governor sees it, the Department of Administrative Services, and the unions because this is use for collective bargaining."
The state is using an average salary for groups of employees. So imagine an employee is making $10,000 a month in total compensation in the private sector, and say the state worker is making a market ratio of 140 percent. That means the state worker would make $14,000 in total compensation a month for doing basically the same job as someone in the private sector. "When I served in the Legislature, I never knew this report existed," Kropf said. "Nobody in that building sees this report. Only the governor sees it, the Department of Administrative Services, and the unions because this is use for collective bargaining."
Decisions regarding life, health and relationships affect everyone in our community.
Pregnancy Resource Centers of Greater Portland serves our community by empowering individuals to make life-affirming decisions through education, counseling, and compassionate care based on the ministry of Jesus Christ.
PRC accomplishes this mission in four distinct ways:
PRC accomplishes this mission in four distinct ways:
I’m so glad you stopped by
Think you are the only one dealing with something this huge? I felt that way, too. Finding out I had an unplanned pregnancy turned my whole life upside down. I felt like I had nowhere to turn…no one who could understand. I hope can be the pregnancy support network that you so desperately need at this time in your life. Our stories are a lot like yours of planned or unplanned pregnancy…if we can do it, so can you! We girls need each other. - See more at:
Enorsed By Oregon Right To Life
Tim McMenamin For Oregon
Candidate For State Representative House District 41.
Oak Grove, Milwaukie, Moreland, Sellwood, and Errol Heights.
Candidate For State Representative House District 41.
Oak Grove, Milwaukie, Moreland, Sellwood, and Errol Heights.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Sellwood controversy Marijuana dispensary"moratorium”?
On March 21, the Oregon Health Authority announced it had issued licenses to eight medical marijuana dispensaries – one of them in Sellwood. Since then, more than forty such licenses have reportedly been issued statewide. The Sellwood business is called"NW Green Oasis”, and it is sited in a former mortgage business office (“Bank of England”) at 1035 S.E. Tacoma Street, on the corner of 11th Street. The neighbors repeated their concerns over lack of notice or input in the granting of both the state license and city business license to the store; and a woman who said she and her children live immediately adjacent to the dispensary have special concerns over the livability of their home if, in the November election, the recreational use of marijuana – still an illegal drug at the federal level – is permitted in Oregon by the voters. In that event, the dispensary could turn into a public retail store, she said.
What would redrawn public health care look like?
It would of helped to have a Pharmacist in Salem on this committee when the rules were drawn up. You Think?
The Legislature last year passed a bill creating the 15-member task force that in October will report back with recommendations on what public health services communities must provide, how to restructure the state’s public health system — in which services currently are doled out at the county level — and how to fund public health in a sustainable way. It will then be up to the Legislature whether to move forward with a new regional framework.
Although it’s not yet known what form the regional model will take, task force members emphasized the need for coordination among Oregon’s Coordinated Care Organizations. The CCOs are the 16 entities across the state responsible for administering the Oregon Health Plan, the state’s Medicaid program, and county public health programs.
The Legislature last year passed a bill creating the 15-member task force that in October will report back with recommendations on what public health services communities must provide, how to restructure the state’s public health system — in which services currently are doled out at the county level — and how to fund public health in a sustainable way. It will then be up to the Legislature whether to move forward with a new regional framework.
Although it’s not yet known what form the regional model will take, task force members emphasized the need for coordination among Oregon’s Coordinated Care Organizations. The CCOs are the 16 entities across the state responsible for administering the Oregon Health Plan, the state’s Medicaid program, and county public health programs.
Oregon teachers union calls for moratorium on Common Core reading, math tests!!
Oregon's teachers union is calling on state schools chief Rob Saxton to cancel state reading and math tests in spring 2015 because it says the new exams Oregon plans to give are unproven and too hard. Giving them, the union says, would harm students by making most of them feel like failures. Saxton said Monday that he won't consider canceling the tests, which he acknowledged will be challenging, because they are geared to what Oregon students need to know to succeed in college and on the job. Saxton said he refuses to have Oregon lag behind all other states in switching to teaching and testing students according to the Communist Common Core State Standards.
Could Vestas be on its way out of Portland?
Whereas Portland bested Colorado in attracting Vestas Wind Systems U.S. headquarters, the tables might be turning.
Vestas received an $8.1 million, 15-year interest-free loan from Portland in 2010 for its $66 million Pearl District headquarters. The report said Vestas’ North American president Chris Brown, who was hired in late 2012, supports the move. The company has about 200 people in Portland, the newspaper said.
Vestas received an $8.1 million, 15-year interest-free loan from Portland in 2010 for its $66 million Pearl District headquarters. The report said Vestas’ North American president Chris Brown, who was hired in late 2012, supports the move. The company has about 200 people in Portland, the newspaper said.
Vestas considering move of Portland headquarters to Colorado
Vestas Wind Systems, once the leading light of Oregon's green energy sector, is actively considering the consolidation of its Portland sales and service office into its operations in Colorado, current and former employees have told The Oregonian. Last year, Vestas gave up half the space at its Pearl District headquarters, which was leased to tech startup Urban Airship. The historic Meier & Frank warehouse was transformed into an airy, LEED-certified office space in a $66 million renovation that was subsidized by Portland taxpayers with the specific intention of keeping Vestas in Portland. Vestas has winnowed the headcount at its North American headquarters in Portland from about 400 in 2010 to what employees say is less than 200 today. The downsizing came as its parent company made deep cuts around the globe, including at its manufacturing operations in Colorado and its headquarters in Denmark.
Monday, May 12, 2014
January 12, 1987 Neil Goldschmidt (D) is elected Governor
Followed by a Democrat Governor every term since. Think Maybe It Is Time For a Change?
Jane Lokan Former State Representative For House District 41 before retiring in 2000 Rep. Lokan
Funded education with $100 Million more than the governor requested, helped establish the Education Trust Fund.
Her strong support for our local public schools, especially her leadership in secure funding for Sabin Skills Center.
Rep. Lokan sponsored and passed legislation to increase the limits on senior property tax deferral.
Co-authored sex offender notification legislation.
Capped many state fees.
Funded education with $100 Million more than the governor requested, helped establish the Education Trust Fund.
Her strong support for our local public schools, especially her leadership in secure funding for Sabin Skills Center.
Rep. Lokan sponsored and passed legislation to increase the limits on senior property tax deferral.
Co-authored sex offender notification legislation.
Capped many state fees.
Comment with YES if you want your money back!
Did you know that each Cover Oregon enrollee cost taxpayers almost $4,000? This is the kind of wasteful, failed spending that we must eliminate to get Oregon back on track. See our full infographic on Cover Oregon here:
Top 6 Reasons Why Millennials Will Vote For Republicans In 2014
1. Young voters are largely unaffiliated—not Democrat
2. The Obama magic is gone.
3. President Obama isn’t on the ticket, but his failed promises are.
4. Young voters are attracted to problem solvers and the GOP has them.
5."Social Issues” offer debate, not division.
6. We offer the next generation of leaders.
2. The Obama magic is gone.
3. President Obama isn’t on the ticket, but his failed promises are.
4. Young voters are attracted to problem solvers and the GOP has them.
5."Social Issues” offer debate, not division.
6. We offer the next generation of leaders.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Happy Mothers Day To Sean, Pierce, and Caitlin McMenamin.
For There Mother Knows No Better.
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Council Considers Shrinking Urban Renewal Areas
In a late evening vote, the Portland City Council began the process of shrinking Portland’s Urban Renewal Areas by about 10 percent. Its goal: To put more money back on the city and county tax rolls. Portland has 11 urban renewal areas. The Pearl District is the probably best-known. The proposal could result in $5 million of new money for the city, the county, and the schools this year. The council will take a final vote on the plan in the fall.
Foreclosure rates expected to increase throughout state
For several counties across Oregon, the rate of foreclosures has experienced a substantial uptick. Statistics compiled by Gorilla Capital, one of the primary purchasers of distressed real estate in the country, show that the number of filings have increased from 395 in February to 566 in March. Senate Bill 1522, which took effect in the summer of 2012, was intended to require mediation between banks and homeowners during the foreclosure process. However, the law did not require mediation for judicial foreclosures, prompting many banks to go that route and skip the mediation requirement. To fix the loophole, the Legislature passed Senate Bill 558A, which added the mediation requirement to judicial foreclosures."That has caused a huge backlog,” Helmick said."Oregon will lag behind the rest of the country because we have not processed through the distressed, abandoned, vacant homes out there.”
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
GMO ballot measure limits property rights!!
I’m very concerned about a proposal that limits our ability to determine how we use our land. Measure 15-119 on the May 20 ballot would ban the growing of GM crops in Jackson County. This proposal is a threat to our family’s and neighbors’ livelihoods and sets a dangerous precedent for agriculture everywhere. The threat to our property rights is equally troubling. Measure 15-119 gives government agents"emergency” powers to access private property and confiscate crops on the spot. No legal process or hearing required. This low bar for access to our land is, quite frankly, scary - See more at:
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
The Future of School Choice in Oregon Education Savings Accounts
Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman first popularized the school choice voucher concept in his 1962 book, Capitalism and Freedom. Now, a new concept is capturing the imaginations of a new generation of parents and policy makers: Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). Going beyond the voucher or tax credit idea for school choice, ESAs introduce market concepts that help parents become active shoppers for educational services, thus improving their quality while reducing costs.
Portland Would You Participate In A Forum by The Willamette Week Tabloid Newspaper??
Last election Willamette Week compared my Campaign to soggy french fries at McMenamins Brew Pub. Is this True Journalism? Tim McMenamin is your Candidate for State Representative in House District 41. Sellwood, Westmoreland, Eastmoreland, Oak Grove, Milwaukie, and Errol Heights.
Neil Cavuto GOP Senate Candidate Booted From Room For Calling Out Reporter??
The video of Mark Callahan's interview on Your World w/ Neil Cavuto, on 5/5/14, regarding the Willamette Week contentious showdown with the liberal interview panel: Willamette Week's Quote "This is Neither a Fair or Balanced Meeting. This is a meeting where we make up the rules" Senate Candidate asked if he believes in Easter Bunny?
Monday, May 5, 2014
Oregon Firearms Federation Gives Tim McMenamin an "A" Rating
Candidates who have not held office before but answered our survey were, obviously, rated based on survey answers. It is our policy to give a maximum rating of B+ to someone with no voting record. However, we make exceptions for candidates, who in spite of a lack of voting record, have a clear history of public support for the Second Amendment. (For example Bill Post who is seeking a House seat in the 25th district and Timothy McMenamin in the 41st District.)
Willamette Week wants to know if Senate Candidate Mark Callahan believes in Easter Bunny?
For those folks that may not know the publisher of the Willamette Week, Richard Meeker, is the husband of The Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum. Coincidence? Exclusive Interview by Dan Sandini: Callahan Shines After Viral "Willamette Weak" Snub
Fox & Friends interview, of Senate Candidate Mark Callahan with Tucker Carlson
For those folks that may not know the publisher of the Willamette Week, Richard Meeker, is the husband of our Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum. Coincidence? The video of Mark Callahan's Fox & Friends interview, with Tucker Carlson, on 5/4/14, regarding the Willamette Week's contentious showdown with the liberal interview panel: Enjoy.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Oregon Secretary of State website breach cost taxpayers $177,000!!
The February breach of the Oregon Secretary of State's website cost taxpayers about $176,662, including about $4,500 for meals and lodging to allow employees to work through a snowstorm. The breach was detected Feb. 4 and knocked the agency's elections and business registry databases offline for nearly three weeks.
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