The greatest obstacle to Oregon balancing it’s books and fixing the PERS crisis has been House Speaker Tina Kotek. She opposed changes from the beginning of the year and has stood against needed measures despite their support from fellow Democrats governor Kitzhaber and Senate President Peter Courtney over the year. Kotek’s defiance to listen to others and work towards balance is a tragic playbook we have seen played out with Kitzhaber during the 90’s where he earned the nickname Dr. No. This is why House Speaker Tina Kotek is the new"Dr. No” — or should we say Speaker No-tek?
A native Oregonian having been born and raised in our District. A Pharmacy Manager of a Community and Retail Pharmacy. I know how to run a business. A Long Term Care Pharmacist. I know the issues facing our aging baby boomers. A full time Care Giver. I know what it is like to struggle with work and caring for our aging parents.
Monday, September 30, 2013
The virtual school experience Online option growing in popularity in Oregon!
A dozen public charter schools in Oregon are virtual, meaning the majority of their students receive instruction and clock in the required numberof school hours by taking online courses. Most core courses for subjects such as English language arts, math and science are not offered in a physical location. Charter schools are run by a group of parents, teachers or community members, functioning under a contract with a local school district board. Like any other public school, they’re funded by taxpayer dollars. Because the school is publicly funded, parents don’t pay for tuition.
Sex offenders in Oregon Report exposes huge gaps in state, federal tracking
Like I said in the 2012 Election "How did Portland become the #1 city in America for child sex Predators?"
Oregonian reporter Maxine Bernstein started looking into sex offender registration laws to find out how a California man could move to Oregon and repeatedly flout the laws, eventually killing a 15-year-old girl and then a 32-year-old woman in Portland. Watch the video and let us know what questions you have in advance of the story. Leave them in the comments section of this post.
Oregonian reporter Maxine Bernstein started looking into sex offender registration laws to find out how a California man could move to Oregon and repeatedly flout the laws, eventually killing a 15-year-old girl and then a 32-year-old woman in Portland. Watch the video and let us know what questions you have in advance of the story. Leave them in the comments section of this post.
'Grand bargain' on shaky ground for (2013 special session)
"The deal got blown up and now the Gov just wants a PERS bill that pits the entire PERS "savings" on just retirees. Failure of leadership on the part of the Gov and his crew....we had the votes on our end to help get more money to schools," wrote Rep. Julie Parrish, R-West Linn on her Facebook page.
Friday, September 27, 2013
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records, even from the parents. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. The Data Collection is done without parental consent. The collection is done with all age levels including personal data considered by many as an invasion of privacy. To receive more Federal Dollars Governor Kitzhaber got a Federal waiver on FERPA and HIPPA to merge your children's information into one large data base including the parents personal and financial information.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Bonnie Kiggins Explains Common Core Part Two
Textbook content has been rewritten and most parents are unaware of precisely what their children are being taught and how twisted it is from history and fact. There has LONG been an intentional DUMBING DOWN of all children across America and the only way to combat it is to KNOW exactly what is being taught, then do battle with each board of education.
Bonnie Kiggins Explains Common Core Part One
Textbook content has been rewritten and most parents are unaware of precisely what their children are being taught and how twisted it is from history and fact. There has LONG been an intentional DUMBING DOWN of all children across America and the only way to combat it is to KNOW exactly what is being taught, then do battle with each board of education.
Traffic stop leads to massive drug bust 21 pounds of meth!
Instead of hiring more social workers for the Department of Human Services (DHS) How about hiring some additional State Troopers
to patrol Our State Borders. Traffic stop leads to massive drug bust: 21 pounds of methamphetamine. The seizure marked the biggest meth bust in the history of the Clackamas County Interagency Task Force.
to patrol Our State Borders. Traffic stop leads to massive drug bust: 21 pounds of methamphetamine. The seizure marked the biggest meth bust in the history of the Clackamas County Interagency Task Force.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Rep. Earl Blumenauer wants to cut Willamette Superfund costs!
Muddy Waters! Rep. Earl Blumenauer's wife works for the company paying the bills for the clean-up. Blumenauer rarely—if ever—publicly acknowledges the conflict of interest he has on the Portland Harbor debate: His wife, Margaret D. Kirkpatrick, is senior vice president and general counsel for NW Natural. The utility last year awarded her $769,080 in total compensation—including salary, bonuses and other benefits—and her NW Natural stock holdings are valued at $347,000. NW Natural owns two polluted industrial properties along the Willamette River where it buried tar left over from gas plants that stopped operating in 1956. The company’s most recent filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission shows its liability for the Superfund cleanup is at least $43 million. Blumenauer says his wife’s financial stake in NW Natural has not affected his position.
The 2013 special session to raise $244 million in proposed new taxes!
If Gov. John Kitzhaber gets his way, some big changes could be coming to Oregonians' pocketbooks. Taxpayers currently may claim a $183 exemption credit for themselves and each dependent. Under the proposal, the credit would be eliminated for individuals earning more than $100,000 or couples earning more than $200,000. It's a small change, but eliminating credits for dependents means it would impact large families most, said Rep. Vicki Berger R-Salem. "If we don't do something about it it's just going to increase exponentially," said Sen. Ginny Burdick, D-Portland. "As with any deal, it's a sausage-making process," said Rep. Jules Bailey, D-Portland. Life is Like A Box of Chocolates; You Never Know What You Are Going To Get.
Creating Entertainment is your "go to" place for everyone to search and discover the latest events!
Check out the concerts Johnny Hernandez just put up on his website! Steve Aoki, Adventure Club, Jake Miller plus more are coming to Portland! Creating Entertainment is your "go to" place for everyone to search for and discover the latest events and nightclubs around the area in a simple convenient manner. It is to provide a range of services from music, photography to video editing and everything in between. If you want to discover local nightclub events, a place to relax and lounge around with friends, or even new clothing lines, then this is the place to look. We provide full descriptions for each business and event advertised, along with pictures and social media links, all you have to do is read and click for more info!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Convention Center Hotel Opponents Offer List of Failed Hyatts!
Metro Council President Tom Hughes didn't need say much to convince Portland City Council to cast the key votes for his long-desired $198 million Oregon Convention Center hotel. All five commissioners had tipped their hands well before the Wednesday vote.
Yet when Hughes presented the plan at City Hall, he made a bold claim: The Hyatt-run hotel at the convention center would succeed, because Hyatts don't fail.
Yet when Hughes presented the plan at City Hall, he made a bold claim: The Hyatt-run hotel at the convention center would succeed, because Hyatts don't fail.
Oregon has the fourth-worst high school graduation rate in the nation!
According to the federal government's most accurate state-by-state report on the topic Oregon has the fourth-worst high school graduation rate in the nation. The report revealed that Oregon high schools generate far-above-average dropout rates for students of every racial and ethnic group, including the nation's third-worst graduation rate for African Americans. Earlier tallies by the federal government and research institutes suggested Oregon's dropout rate was middle-of-the road. In reality, Oregon is one of only five that failed to graduate at least 70 percent of students on time. Nine states, including Iowa and Indiana, graduated more than 85 percent of their class of 2011 students on time.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
How Can Oregon Reduce Public Assistance Fraud?
How can Oregon reduce public assistance fraud? That's the question an interim legislative work group is tackling after a May audit from the Secretary of State's office found that hundreds of Oregonians who were deceased, incarcerated, or won the lottery benefited from one of three public assistance programs intended for low-income individuals. "Part of it is privacy," Tomei said. "The other part of it is that you can't single out somebody who is using a Trail card. You can't treat them any differently than somebody using a credit card."
By Yuxing Zheng, The Oregonian updated August 22, 2013
By Yuxing Zheng, The Oregonian updated August 22, 2013
How can Oregon reduce public assistance fraud?
That's the question an interim legislative work group is tackling after a May audit from the Secretary of State's office found that hundreds of Oregonians who were deceased, incarcerated, or won the lottery benefited from one of three public assistance programs intended for low-income individuals. "Part of it is privacy," Tomei said. "The other part of it is that you can't single out somebody who is using a Trail card. You can't treat them any differently than somebody using a credit card."
By Yuxing Zheng, The Oregonian updated August 22, 2013
By Yuxing Zheng, The Oregonian updated August 22, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Despite fierce opposition, officials are set to approve $80 million in subsidies for a 600-room hotel.
The City Council will consider a measure Metro has already approved: pumping $80 million of taxpayer money and the State Legislature agreed to $10 million on the last Bill of the Session known as the "Christmas Tree Bill" into a proposed $198 million hotel. The transaction would give the multibillion-dollar Hyatt Hotels Corp. ownership of the hotel and all potential profits, while counting on public funding to repay the project’s debt.
On Thursday, Multnomah County commissioners will hold their first hearing on the issue. Metro, the city and the county all need to approve any convention center hotel. taxpayers have already spent $200 million building the convention center, which operates at a large and growing loss. Tourism boosters say a new hotel is necessary for the convention center’s success and for the continued development of the city’s convention trade. Metro Council President Tom Hughes, whose agency operates the nearby money-losing Oregon Convention Center, sees the property as a route to respectability for his agency—and a second term for himself.
For a hotel to be built, the City Council and county commission must approve the deal.
Their approval is necessary because all three governments—Metro, the city and the county—share in the hotel taxes that would be used to help finance the hotel’s construction.
The way the deal is structured, Hyatt will pay about $120 million for a hotel that will cost nearly $200 million."They’re buying a brand-new asset for 60 cents on the dollar,” says Bob Scanlan of Portland real-estate investment firm SKB."That’s an attractive proposition.” But the most controversial part of the deal is the $60 million Metro Council President Tom Hughes wants to borrow to help fund construction."Do the voters of this region want to give a multibillion-dollar corporation tens of millions in subsidies?”"Probably not.”
In 2009, records show Schlesinger bought land next to the convention center for $10.75 million. The purchase was highly leveraged—he borrowed $9.7 million and agreed to pay it back in 18 months. Meanwhile, Schlesinger came under pressure. In December 2010, his company lost a high-profile contract to run the city’s parking garages. Then last year, court documents in a family dispute showed the family’s parking company had lost millions of dollars.
With interest costs mounting on the short-term loan he used to finance the hotel property—and has had to extend three times—Schlesinger worked behind the scenes to help Metro resuscitate the project and aligned himself with Mortenson Development of Minneapolis and Chicago-based Hyatt Hotels. The development team hired Gallatin Public Affairs, an influential Portland lobbying firm.
Cover Story Willamette Week September 18th, 2013 by NIGEL JAQUISS
On Thursday, Multnomah County commissioners will hold their first hearing on the issue. Metro, the city and the county all need to approve any convention center hotel. taxpayers have already spent $200 million building the convention center, which operates at a large and growing loss. Tourism boosters say a new hotel is necessary for the convention center’s success and for the continued development of the city’s convention trade. Metro Council President Tom Hughes, whose agency operates the nearby money-losing Oregon Convention Center, sees the property as a route to respectability for his agency—and a second term for himself.
For a hotel to be built, the City Council and county commission must approve the deal.
Their approval is necessary because all three governments—Metro, the city and the county—share in the hotel taxes that would be used to help finance the hotel’s construction.
The way the deal is structured, Hyatt will pay about $120 million for a hotel that will cost nearly $200 million."They’re buying a brand-new asset for 60 cents on the dollar,” says Bob Scanlan of Portland real-estate investment firm SKB."That’s an attractive proposition.” But the most controversial part of the deal is the $60 million Metro Council President Tom Hughes wants to borrow to help fund construction."Do the voters of this region want to give a multibillion-dollar corporation tens of millions in subsidies?”"Probably not.”
In 2009, records show Schlesinger bought land next to the convention center for $10.75 million. The purchase was highly leveraged—he borrowed $9.7 million and agreed to pay it back in 18 months. Meanwhile, Schlesinger came under pressure. In December 2010, his company lost a high-profile contract to run the city’s parking garages. Then last year, court documents in a family dispute showed the family’s parking company had lost millions of dollars.
With interest costs mounting on the short-term loan he used to finance the hotel property—and has had to extend three times—Schlesinger worked behind the scenes to help Metro resuscitate the project and aligned himself with Mortenson Development of Minneapolis and Chicago-based Hyatt Hotels. The development team hired Gallatin Public Affairs, an influential Portland lobbying firm.
Cover Story Willamette Week September 18th, 2013 by NIGEL JAQUISS
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
More Money, Same Problems for Oregon Schools
More Money, Same Problems for Oregon Schools More Money, Same Problems for Oregon Schools Instead of investing too little, Oregon schools have failed to invest their scarce resources in the right places, namely students and teachers. A major part of the problem lies in the hiring of an ever-increasing number of administrators and non-teaching support staff who are soaking up highly valuable but limited funding. A report released by the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice shows that Oregon had a 47.3 percent increase in the number of administrators and non-teaching support staff from 1992 to 2009. This astounding growth more than triples that of students and teachers, which only grew by 15.4 percent and 12.7 percent respectively. Oregon schools now employ more administrators and non-teaching support staff than they do teachers.
More Money, Same Problems for Oregon Schools
More Money, Same Problems for Oregon Schools Instead of investing too little, Oregon schools have failed to invest their scarce resources in the right places, namely students and teachers. A major part of the problem lies in the hiring of an ever-increasing number of administrators and non-teaching support staff who are soaking up highly valuable but limited funding. A report released by the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice shows that Oregon had a 47.3 percent increase in the number of administrators and non-teaching support staff from 1992 to 2009. This astounding growth more than triples that of students and teachers, which only grew by 15.4 percent and 12.7 percent respectively. Oregon schools now employ more administrators and non-teaching support staff than they do teachers.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Why is private sector health insurance MODA pushing some of the costs of a disabled kid to taxpayers?
HAPPY VALLEY, Ore. -- An insurance company (MODA) paid for a disabled kid’s nursing care in Happy Valley until it realized Medicaid – essentially taxpayers – covers that type of care and could pick up the tab. Then, the insurance stopped. That tab to taxpayers now totals $117,000. Why is private sector health insurance MODA pushing some of the costs of a disabled kid to taxpayers?
Eleven-year-old Javad Mashinchi has had a muscular disorder since birth. He eats through a tube and needs help from a nurse to get ready for school. His family needs that help because both parents work full-time. The Mashinchis are double insured in health coverage, so they cover Javad’s healthcare under mom Shannon’s plan. She’s a middle school math teacher.
The insurance provider, ODS, now known as Moda Health, decided a year and a half ago that it wasn’t going to cover Javad’s nurse anymore. Moda Health officials said they wanted Medicaid, through the Oregon Health Plan, to start footing the bill. When KATU investigators first intervened last year, Moda Health relented and said the care could continue. But it only lasted six more months – until the company decided again to cancel it."What burned me is when they renamed the Rose Garden,” Shannon Mashinchi said."You can’t cover my nursing benefits for the year, but you can spend $40 million to have your name on the outside of the Rose Garden?;c=y
Eleven-year-old Javad Mashinchi has had a muscular disorder since birth. He eats through a tube and needs help from a nurse to get ready for school. His family needs that help because both parents work full-time. The Mashinchis are double insured in health coverage, so they cover Javad’s healthcare under mom Shannon’s plan. She’s a middle school math teacher.
The insurance provider, ODS, now known as Moda Health, decided a year and a half ago that it wasn’t going to cover Javad’s nurse anymore. Moda Health officials said they wanted Medicaid, through the Oregon Health Plan, to start footing the bill. When KATU investigators first intervened last year, Moda Health relented and said the care could continue. But it only lasted six more months – until the company decided again to cancel it."What burned me is when they renamed the Rose Garden,” Shannon Mashinchi said."You can’t cover my nursing benefits for the year, but you can spend $40 million to have your name on the outside of the Rose Garden?;c=y
Why is private sector health insurance MODA pushing some of the costs of a disabled kid to taxpayers?
HAPPY VALLEY, Ore. -- An insurance company (MODA) paid for a disabled kid’s nursing care in Happy Valley until it realized Medicaid – essentially taxpayers – covers that type of care and could pick up the tab. Then, the insurance stopped. That tab to taxpayers now totals $117,000. Why is private sector health insurance MODA pushing some of the costs of a disabled kid to taxpayers?
Eleven-year-old Javad Mashinchi has had a muscular disorder since birth. He eats through a tube and needs help from a nurse to get ready for school. His family needs that help because both parents work full-time. The Mashinchis are double insured in health coverage, so they cover Javad’s healthcare under mom Shannon’s plan. She’s a middle school math teacher.
The insurance provider, ODS, now known as Moda Health, decided a year and a half ago that it wasn’t going to cover Javad’s nurse anymore. Moda Health officials said they wanted Medicaid, through the Oregon Health Plan, to start footing the bill. When KATU investigators first intervened last year, Moda Health relented and said the care could continue. But it only lasted six more months – until the company decided again to cancel it."What burned me is when they renamed the Rose Garden,” Shannon Mashinchi said."You can’t cover my nursing benefits for the year, but you can spend $40 million to have your name on the outside of the Rose Garden?
Eleven-year-old Javad Mashinchi has had a muscular disorder since birth. He eats through a tube and needs help from a nurse to get ready for school. His family needs that help because both parents work full-time. The Mashinchis are double insured in health coverage, so they cover Javad’s healthcare under mom Shannon’s plan. She’s a middle school math teacher.
The insurance provider, ODS, now known as Moda Health, decided a year and a half ago that it wasn’t going to cover Javad’s nurse anymore. Moda Health officials said they wanted Medicaid, through the Oregon Health Plan, to start footing the bill. When KATU investigators first intervened last year, Moda Health relented and said the care could continue. But it only lasted six more months – until the company decided again to cancel it."What burned me is when they renamed the Rose Garden,” Shannon Mashinchi said."You can’t cover my nursing benefits for the year, but you can spend $40 million to have your name on the outside of the Rose Garden?
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Pharmacists in politics!
Although no pharmacists are in Congress, 46 pharmacists currently serve in state legislatures across the country. The November elections may bring as many as 12 new pharmacists to their state legislature; 6 pharmacists are running in 4 of the 25 states now without pharmacist legislators. Of those pharmacists now in office, some had served in government or leadership positions related to pharmacy before their election—state boards of pharmacy, various pharmacy-related committees, and similar groups. Others, however, were new to leadership when elected. A majority, 36, are Republicans; 10 are Democrats.
More Money, Same Problems for Oregon Schools
Instead of investing too little, Oregon schools have failed to invest their scarce resources in the right places, namely students and teachers. A major part of the problem lies in the hiring of an ever-increasing number of administrators and non-teaching support staff who are soaking up highly valuable but limited funding. A report released by the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice shows that Oregon had a 47.3 percent increase in the number of administrators and non-teaching support staff from 1992 to 2009. This astounding growth more than triples that of students and teachers, which only grew by 15.4 percent and 12.7 percent respectively. Oregon schools now employ more administrators and non-teaching support staff than they do teachers.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
UNION THUG ARRESTED AT"RIGHT TO WORK” EVENT IDENTIFIED Dateline Thursday September 12, 2013 – Portland Oregon: The union thug who disrupted a"Right to Work” event held on the campus of Clark College in Vancouver WA last Thursday has been identified. According to Vancouver Police, Wyatt McMinn, age 34, of Portland was put under arrest and charged with Criminal Trespassing. As clearly seen in the video (embedded below), McMinn refused to leave the building and move to the sidewalk. Several women in the audience are clearly frightened by McMinn and three other union perps who disrupted the event. In accordance with Vancouver Police policy no mugshot was taken or in any case would have been released. My screen shot will have to suffice.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Right-To-Work Means Freedom To Choose Where Your Dues Go!
Union Protesters Disrupt Event Leave In Handcuffs. The Thursday night event, co-sponsored by the Portland, Ore.-based Cascade Policy Institute and the Olympia, Wa.-based Freedom Foundation, featured labor policy expect Vinnie Vernuccio from Michigan’s Makinac Center for Public Policy. At some point during the meeting, the protesters, carrying signs and shouting pro-union slogans, disrupted the event.
Right-To-Work Means Freedom To Choose Where Your Dues Go!
As a civil rights advocate who grew up in a racially segregated town, I'm always up for a good debate, but I do appreciate factual accuracy and logical consistency. It isn't entirely clear that the governor has even read the measure. The Public Employee Choice Act explicitly states that any public worker in Oregon is free to join a union if he or she chooses. By the same token, it says that any public worker in Oregon is free to not join a union if he or she chooses -- and, if the latter is his or her choice, he or she isn't required to make compulsory payments to the union. It's that simple. IP9 is about individual freedom and a public employee's right to choose. By Jill Gibson Odell
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
The Case for Man/Woman Marriage
A debate is taking place in many countries about whether or not marriage should be re-defined to include gay and lesbian couples. This short video commissioned by The Iona Institute explains why marriage should not be redefined. It explains that marriage between a man and a woman is primarily a child-centred institution aimed at giving children what they long for, namely the love of a mother and father.
In the end this debate comes down to whether or not we believe in the special value to a child of having a loving mother and father. If we believe in this, then it makes sense to have a special social institution (marriage) which recognises this fact. If we don't believe in the special value of motherhood and fatherhood or of the natural ties, then it's a whole other story.
Here are links to two other short documents on the topic:
In the end this debate comes down to whether or not we believe in the special value to a child of having a loving mother and father. If we believe in this, then it makes sense to have a special social institution (marriage) which recognises this fact. If we don't believe in the special value of motherhood and fatherhood or of the natural ties, then it's a whole other story.
Here are links to two other short documents on the topic:
Rally to Stop the Tyranny Wednesday, 18 September 2013 - 1100 AM Oregon Capitol, North Steps
Apparently to follow up on their recent meeting Marion-Polk AFP is teaming with Oregon Capitol Watch Foundation for a rally to warn the citizens of Oregon about the converging threats from the Left. "Agenda 21", "ObamaCare/KitzCare (Cover Oregon)", and "Common Core" are all about to crash on the state in the fashion of the most monstrous tsunami. In addition to those pictured at right, Mark Anderson, host of the popular I Spy on Salem radio show and Marion County Commissioner Patti Milne will speak to the assembled.
Another blog showing the Republican establishment "leadership" assuming we are too stupid to notice their tricks. What they still haven't figured out is that the grassroots is now experienced and working side by side with powerful conservative and libertarian organizations. Cantor and Boehner are so out of the loop they actually thought this trick would work on us. We are several steps ahead of the establishment and we are armed with better data and arguments. If Boehner and Cantor want to essentially lie to us, then bring it on. We hold the trump card and we are no longer afraid to use it. If Boehner and Cantor think they can pull the wool over our eyes, they have a surprise coming their way in 2014. If Republicans fund Obamacare in the continuing resolution, they own it.
Dateline Monday September 9, 2013 – Portland Oregon"Nazis” crashed anti-war protest.
Dateline Monday September 9, 2013 – Portland Oregon: Today members of the Nationalist Party, sometimes referred to as"Nazis” crashed Portland’s anti-war protest. In the video"Rebecca,” a representative of the Nationalists Movement is interviewed. During the interview she admits that she believes whites settled all civilized nations, and that whites are above blacks. In what appears to be a scene out of"The Big Lebowski,” her accompanying photographer refers to Rebecca as"his special lady friend.” Rebecca explains how the cross on the Nationalists Flag symbolizes Christ. Renowned Occupier"Tequila” steps in to explain that Christ was a Jew. She disagrees. After providing the web address for her organization the event organizer politely asks Rebecca to leave and escorts her out. By
Monday, September 9, 2013
The New Movers and Shakers of Milwaukie!
The New Movers and Shakers of Milwaukie at The Milwalkie City Hall 75th Anniversary.
Scott Barbur For Milwaukie Tim McMenamin For Oregon and Roy A. Payne.
Scott Barbur For Milwaukie Tim McMenamin For Oregon and Roy A. Payne.
I would swear Oregon government is staffed from the Island of Misfit Toys. The congress passes ObamaCare and tells us all how great it’s going to be to have the government run our healthcare by writing all the rules for private companies and bringing competition to healthcare. Most folks in government wouldn't know competition if it slapped them upside the head. Oregon embraces the tens of millions of dollars Obama has shoveled out to get"state insurance exchanges” off the ground. Cover Oregon hires its hip trendy friends to do those perplexing spots you’re seeing every five minutes on TV that don’t tell you a damn thing about health care…but hey that’s okay…it’s the"creative class”. The whole thing is supposed to launch less than 60 days from now…and THEN…they run out of money. The website that was supposed to guide Oregonians to the best possible insurance policy isn't ready. The Daily Dead FishWrapper says the money was supposed to last till the end of June but ran out in April due to"misprojection of remaining funds”. That’s government speak for"we spent your tax money so fast we didn't know we were running out till it was gone”. It’s like giving whiskey and car keys to teen aged boys. And now the folks who can’t figure out how to sensibly budget 59 million bucks over a few months are going to be making decisions that mean life and death for your family. BY Lars Larson
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Oregon failed to earn transparency categories for per-pupil expenditures, total expenditure data, and average salary data.
A recent report gave Oregon an F- for financial transparency in education. How does Oregon compare to its neighbors Washington and California? Before people make financial decisions, most seek out information in order to make better choices. But according to a recent report by the Cato Institute, when Oregon voters are tasked with making financial decisions about K-12 education, they are hard-pressed to find the information they need, let alone interpret what is available.
Kitzhaber stumps for Sept. 30 special session on PERS, and Taxes
Is $200,000,000.00 in new taxes a Grand Bargain for Oregonians? Is it unthinkable to cut spending without new taxes?
Senate President Peter Courtney issued a statement Wednesday saying he’d work hard to find a way to pass the package, known as the"grand bargain.”"I’m going to work as hard as I can to make this work for Oregon and her people,” Courtney said."There’s a lot at stake. We can have a longer school year and smaller classes. We can have dedicated funding for mental health. It’s not going to be easy. There are no guarantees, but we’re the Oregon Legislature. We can do this.”
Senate President Peter Courtney issued a statement Wednesday saying he’d work hard to find a way to pass the package, known as the"grand bargain.”"I’m going to work as hard as I can to make this work for Oregon and her people,” Courtney said."There’s a lot at stake. We can have a longer school year and smaller classes. We can have dedicated funding for mental health. It’s not going to be easy. There are no guarantees, but we’re the Oregon Legislature. We can do this.”
Should parents be able to choose the school their child attends?
The Justice Department has challenged our state in court for having the temerity to start a scholarship program that frees low-income minority children from failing schools. In other words, Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder would rip children out of their schools and handcuff them to the failing schools they previously attended. And, in the ultimate irony, they are using desegregation orders set up to prevent discrimination against minority children to try to do it.
Portland Public Schools Sells Your Childrens Data To Rand Corp.
Hey Portland Public School parents, did you know that PPS has a revenue contract with RAND Corporation? What's that, you ask? Oh it means that PPS sells your children's data to RAND for a big fat sum of money. Data for profit. Did you know anything about it?
Kitzhaber Issues Statement on Timing of Potential Special Session
They are allowing the Federal Government to take over Education with this Data Collection. Land was given to the states for the states to control their own education. Where did it get off track? "When I speak to people and they say, "But, it's too late - we can't do anything!" I tell them that when I look back on this period in my life, and I had a chance to do something, I want to remember that I prayed and I tried to follow in what God wants me to do in this moment. That is all that I can do. And my children are watching! And my friends and neighbors are watching. When they see someone willing to stand, they will gather courage. We must show them courage!!!
Common Core is Socialism Recycled. Trash It!!
Common Core is Socialism Recycled. Trash It!!
Energy Trust of Oregon is using Millions of Tax Dollars which are working to lock up our natural resources.
Help us reach our goal so that we can pay for the forensic accountants and other professional investigators who will uncover the true story behind the Energy Trust of Oregon. Your support will help stop millions of dollars from going to very far-left groups, which are working to lock up our natural resources.
On Thursday, September 5 Cascade Policy Institute will be partnering with the Freedom Foundation to host the Northwest Employee Freedom One Night Event. National labor policy expert Vincent Vernuccio of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy will share the story of how Michigan passed historic labor reform last year, becoming the 24th right-to-work state. Join us with other labor experts to learn more about the local efforts to increase employee freedom in Oregon.
See how ObamaCare is impacting Oregon and sign the repeal pledge!
Democrats made many empty promises to pass ObamaCare and now Americans are paying the price for the health care law!
WATCH and SHARE "ObamaCare Costs: Colorado" #Obamacosts
WATCH and SHARE "ObamaCare Costs: Colorado" #Obamacosts
Local impact of the Affordable Care Act in Oregon
Read this article in the Argus Observer to learn more about how one local board in Malheur County is grappling with the countless new mandates and taxes in Obamacare. Hearing this all too often around Oregon. Time to repeal and start over.
ObamaCare is killing jobs, hurting our economy, raising premiums, and limiting healthcare access!
ObamaCare is killing jobs, hurting our economy, raising premiums, and limiting healthcare access!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Oregon "We'll have a statement eventually, but probably not this week."
With President Obama looking for the approval of Congress to launch an attack on Syria why were Oregon's Senators Merkley and Wyden along with Representatives Earl Blumenauer, Kurt Schrader, and Suzanne Bonamici partying at the annual Labor Day Union Picnic at Oaks Park in Portland. While leaders in Congress expressed support Tuesday for military action against Syria, our members of Congress from Oregon remain skeptical. Many are cautious and want more information before making a decision. Below are the statements they have made thus far.
Columbia River Crossing Kitzhaber preps Oregon-only plan
Kitzhaber acknowledged that Oregon may have neither the time nor the ability to go it alone on a project the state had planned to conduct jointly with Washington for $3.4 billion. But the governor said he believed state leaders could not afford to walk away from the opportunity without exhausting all options.
Mayor Jeremy Ferguson, Congressman Kurt Schrader, Clackamas County Commissioner Jim Bernard and others will speak at the event, which begins at 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6. Festivities will take place in front of City Hall, 10722 S.E. Main St., and coincide with First Friday events in downtown Milwaukie. 5 p.m.: Formal Celebration Ceremony, Featured Speakers and Guests: Mayor Jeremy Ferguson, Congressman Kurt Schrader, State Representative and Former Mayor Carolyn Tomei, County Commissioner and Former Mayor Jim Bernard. A review of City Hall's 75 years of service by the current City Council. A special presentation by TriMet.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Mayor Jeremy Ferguson, Congressman Kurt Schrader, Clackamas County Commissioner Jim Bernard and others will speak at the event, which begins at 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6. Festivities will take place in front of City Hall, 10722 S.E. Main St., and coincide with First Friday events in downtown Milwaukie. 5 p.m.: Formal Celebration Ceremony, Featured Speakers and Guests:
Mayor Jeremy Ferguson, Congressman Kurt Schrader, State Representative and Former Mayor Carolyn Tomei, County Commissioner and Former Mayor Jim Bernard. A review of City Hall's 75 years of service by the current City Council. A poem by Tom Hogan
A special presentation by TriMet.
Mayor Jeremy Ferguson, Congressman Kurt Schrader, State Representative and Former Mayor Carolyn Tomei, County Commissioner and Former Mayor Jim Bernard. A review of City Hall's 75 years of service by the current City Council. A poem by Tom Hogan
A special presentation by TriMet.
Milwaukie CITY HALL DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATION:: Mayor Jeremy Ferguson, Congressman Kurt Schrader, Clackamas County Commissioner Jim Bernard and others will speak at the event, which begins at 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6. Festivities will take place in front of City Hall, 10722 S.E. Main St., and coincide with First Friday events in downtown Milwaukie. 5 p.m.: Formal Celebration Ceremony, Featured Speakers and Guests:
Mayor Jeremy Ferguson, Congressman Kurt Schrader, State Representative and Former Mayor Carolyn Tomei, County Commissioner and Former Mayor Jim Bernard. A review of City Hall's 75 years of service by the current City Council. A poem by Tom Hogan
A special presentation by TriMet.
Mayor Jeremy Ferguson, Congressman Kurt Schrader, State Representative and Former Mayor Carolyn Tomei, County Commissioner and Former Mayor Jim Bernard. A review of City Hall's 75 years of service by the current City Council. A poem by Tom Hogan
A special presentation by TriMet.
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