The debate over privatizing the sale of liquor in Oregon has been an ongoing one. Opponents of privatization argue that it would raise prices, lose revenue for the state, harm current sales locations, and undermine the growing craft distillery industry. Do you think the benefits of privatizing liquor sales outweigh the possible costs?
A native Oregonian having been born and raised in our District. A Pharmacy Manager of a Community and Retail Pharmacy. I know how to run a business. A Long Term Care Pharmacist. I know the issues facing our aging baby boomers. A full time Care Giver. I know what it is like to struggle with work and caring for our aging parents.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
The Oregonian has a round-up of new laws to affect on average Oregonians.
This is a BIG reason why I am running for Oregon House District 41 are all of these new "laws" or fees to take effect next week. Is THIS what you wanted from YOUR legislature? Hundreds of new laws passed by the Oregon Legislature on driving, teen tanning, animals and other issues go into effect Jan. 1, 2014. Here’s a roundup of some of those new laws:
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Long-term care insurer fined by Oregon Insurance Division!! The Oregon Insurance Division announced it has fined Bankers Life and Casualty Co., one of the state’s largest long-term care insurers, $115,000 for improper claims handling. The Insurance Division directed Bankers Life to review 26,000 claims involving 2,069 policyholders as far back as Jan. 1, 2010 to find any other cases where the company owes benefits. The Chicago-based company also must change practices to ensure proper claims handling going forward, according to a news release from the state Insurance Division.
ObamaCare Gives The IRS Real Time Access To Your ATM Savings Account!!
ObamaCare Gives The IRS Real Time Access To Your ATM Savings Account To All Americans Savings Accounts!! WoW, and I thought Johnny Depp was a Pirate!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
"FOR UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN." Merry Christmas & blessings to all of you! Hope your day is filled with peace, love & joy.
We Americans have a job to do, and it goes something like the following
You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our
children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free —" Ronald Reagan
children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free —" Ronald Reagan
Sunday, December 22, 2013
A Government Is The Most Dangerous Threat To Man's Rights!!
Vote Tim McMenamin For Oregon
Friday, December 20, 2013
Woman prescribed 19,000 oxycodone pills, sues Milwaukie doctor!!
A woman who was prescribed 19,000 oxycodone pills in two years is suing her former Milwaukie doctor for $1.5 million, claiming she became addicted to the massive doses of painkiller and endured an excruciating withdrawal.
Ann Raffaele filed suit this week against osteopathic doctor Edward Goering and Assured Pharmacy in Gresham, which the suit states dispensed the 19,000 pills without questioning whether it was medically justified.
Ann Raffaele filed suit this week against osteopathic doctor Edward Goering and Assured Pharmacy in Gresham, which the suit states dispensed the 19,000 pills without questioning whether it was medically justified.
Long-term care insurer fined by Oregon Insurance Division!!
The Oregon Insurance Division announced it has fined Bankers Life and Casualty Co., one of the state’s largest long-term care insurers, $115,000 for improper claims handling. The Insurance Division directed Bankers Life to review 26,000 claims involving 2,069 policyholders as far back as Jan. 1, 2010 to find any other cases where the company owes benefits. The Chicago-based company also must change practices to ensure proper claims handling going forward, according to a news release from the state Insurance Division.
Oregon health care official resigns!!
Carolyn Lawson stepped down as chief information officer of the Oregon Health Authority and the Department of Human Services for"personal reasons,” the agencies’ leaders wrote in a terse memo to Lawson’s staff and other senior officials.
Oregon has a "closed primary" meaning there are only the 2 major partys.
A reminder: if you aren't registered you can't vote in May and if you aren't registered Republican you can't vote for me. Oregon has a "closed primary" meaning only the 2 major partys. So even if you just register for the primary you can re register after. Help me change the party from the inside! Here's the link to register online:
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
MILWAUKIE, Ore. (KOIN) -- Keith McDonley is "helping Santa" while giving away Christmas trees!!
The 26-year-old started this tradition four years ago. He sits outside his Milwaukie home every night from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., dressed as Santa Claus. McDonley gives out cookies and cocoa to visitors, while collecting food donations for the St. Vincent de Paul charity. He collected about 500 pounds of non-perishable food in Christmas 2012. He hopes to beat that by about 200 pounds this Christmas season. Thank You Keith!! McDonley said he's hoping someday, when those families get back on their feet, they can do something nice for someone else. His tree lot, at 8212 SE Clackamas Road in Milwaukie, is open every night through Dec. 24.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Rep. Carolyn Tomei endorsed by atheist, humanist PAC!!
What Does A Witness Say Before They Take The Stand In A Courtroom? Tomei has taken an oath of office nine times in her political career, but never taken the oath on the Bible or said "so help me God." Would You Trust A Politician Who Is Not Willing To Take Her Oath of Office Without Placing Her Hand On The Bible? She often invites poets, singers and non-religious speakers to give the opening invocation of House floor sessions. Towards the end of the 2013 session, Tomei gave the invocation by leading a singalong of "You Are My Sunshine." The PAC selected Tomei based on her voting record, answers to a questionnaire and personal relationships some in the organization have with Tomei, he said. "She's been a longtime advocate about the issues we care about, so we thought it'd be a good fit to make her one of our first endorsements," McNeill said.
Rep. Carolyn Tomei endorsed by atheist, humanist PAC
What Does A Witness Say Before They Take The Stand In A Courtroom? Tomei has taken an oath of office nine times in her political career, but never taken the oath on the Bible or said "so help me God." Would You Trust A Politician Who Is Not Willing To Take Her Oath of Office Without Placing Her Hand On The Bible? She often invites poets, singers and non-religious speakers to give the opening invocation of House floor sessions. Towards the end of the 2013 session, Tomei gave the invocation by leading a singalong of "You Are My Sunshine." The PAC selected Tomei based on her voting record, answers to a questionnaire and personal relationships some in the organization have with Tomei, he said. "She's been a longtime advocate about the issues we care about, so we thought it'd be a good fit to make her one of our first endorsements," McNeill said.

Rep. Carolyn Tomei endorsed by atheist, humanist PAC
Rep. Carolyn Tomei endorsed by atheist, humanist PAC:: What Does A Witness Say Before They Take The Stand In A Courtroom? Tomei has taken an oath of office nine times in her political career, but never taken the oath on the Bible or said "so help me God." She often invites poets, singers and non-religious speakers to give the opening invocation of House floor sessions. Towards the end of the 2013 session, Tomei gave the invocation by leading a singalong of "You Are My Sunshine." The PAC selected Tomei based on her voting record, answers to a questionnaire and personal relationships some in the organization have with Tomei, he said. "She's been a longtime advocate about the issues we care about, so we thought it'd be a good fit to make her one of our first endorsements," McNeill said. Is This The Type of Representation We Want in Salem?
Rep. Carolyn Tomei endorsed by atheist, humanist PAC
What Does A Witness Say Before They Take The Stand In A Courtroom? Tomei has taken an oath of office nine times in her political career, but never taken the oath on the Bible or said "so help me God." Would You Trust A Politician Who Is Not Willing To Take Her Oath of Office Without Placing Her Hand On The Bible? She often invites poets, singers and non-religious speakers to give the opening invocation of House floor sessions. Towards the end of the 2013 session, Tomei gave the invocation by leading a singalong of "You Are My Sunshine." The PAC selected Tomei based on her voting record, answers to a questionnaire and personal relationships some in the organization have with Tomei, he said. "She's been a longtime advocate about the issues we care about, so we thought it'd be a good fit to make her one of our first endorsements," McNeill said.
Rep. Carolyn Tomei endorsed by atheist, humanist PAC
What Does A Witness Say Before They Take The Stand In A Courtroom? Tomei has taken an oath of office nine times in her political career, but never taken the oath on the Bible or said "so help me God." She often invites poets, singers and non-religious speakers to give the opening invocation of House floor sessions. Towards the end of the 2013 session, Tomei gave the invocation by leading a singalong of "You Are My Sunshine." The PAC selected Tomei based on her voting record, answers to a questionnaire and personal relationships some in the organization have with Tomei, he said. "She's been a longtime advocate about the issues we care about, so we thought it'd be a good fit to make her one of our first endorsements," McNeill said. Is This The Type of Representation We Want in Salem?
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Oregon health exchange technology troubles run deep due to mismanagement!!
"Shut it down," said Rocky King, Cover Oregon's executive director. "Let's not waste anybody else's time here." OHA's advisors said a systems integrator was necessary. "The state does not have the development resources with the requisite experience," consulting firms Wakely Consulting Group and KPMG wrote in a joint March 2011 report. They added that the integrator could lead to "significantly lower" overall costs. In July 2011, OHA was poised to follow that advice. It solicited a systems integrator to oversee the exchange work. But that month Oregon Health Authority Director Bruce Goldberg hired Carolyn Lawson to become chief technical officer of OHA. Four months into the two-year exchange project, Lawson changed its entire makeup. She launched a sweeping reorganization of the team working on it, and canceled the solicitation for a systems integrator deciding it would save the state money, documents show. The state would be its own systems integrator.
Have you wondered why no hospitals are speaking out against the craziness surrounding Cover Oregon?
We now know why...Legal Expert Bruce McCain on Cover Oregon’s Non-Disparagement Agreement: Cover Oregon is making their community partners sign a non-disparagement agreement. That means that those community partners are not allowed to speak in a negative fashion about Cover Oregon, or they risk losing their funding. Legal Expert Bruce McCain joined me on the program today to talk about this unprecedented move…
Just off the phone. A Cover Oregon employee who does 10 hour days locked out of computer all day required to stay.
Despite initially denying the existence of the Confidentiality Agreement, the government actors at the Oregon Health Authority have moved into dangerous territory by requiring, as a condition of obtaining taxpayer grants, that a grantee refrain from making"any false, misleading, deceptive, libelous, defamatory, or obscene statements, written or oral,” about a private-sector company doing business with the state. This issue would not be as troublesome if Oregon Insurance Exchange LLC dba Cover Oregon required its private sector contractors to refrain from disparaging its goods, services or products. The State of Oregon, by and through its Oregon Health Authority, is running interference for Oregon Insurance Exchange LLC dba Cover Oregon by requiring current or potential grantees receiving or seeking taxpayer money to refrain from disparaging Cover Oregon, a private sector business. This is probably not the best example of a"public-private” partnership.
Fox's Red Eye on Cover-Up Oregon
Cover Oregon is officially a NATIONAL laughing stock: Red Eye, the late-night talk show on Fox News, takes aim at the failed website.
While the media have been predictably slow to criticize Cover Oregon Now we Know Why!!
Third party status reports on the Cover Oregon implementation indicate the state knew as early as November 2012 that it would never meet its planned and announced October 1 deadline. Meanwhile, the state was entering into contracts with"community partners” who would do the groundwork required to implement Cover Oregon. When it became apparent that Cover Oregon would not only fail to meet its October 1 deadline, but also fail to even go live online, the state realized it had a public relations catastrophe on its hands that even a $28 million ad campaign could not cover over.
Cover Oregon Cover Up!!
In September of this year, Rocky King, then Executive Director of Cover Oregon, warned state legislators at a joint committee that the planned October 1 roll-out of the program would not go as planned."It’s not going to be a beautiful implementation,” confessed King, in what should earn King the"Understatement of the Year” award. Indeed, the implementation of Cover Oregon has been an unmitigated disaster, despite $300 million of federal tax dollars poured into the program.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Are you getting ready for our big Friday?
Northwest Armory will have a special Smith & Wesson Corp. event showcasing their handguns and rifles including one of the most popular handguns on the market, the Shield. Crimson Trace will be here with special offers. Northtech Defense will be unveiling their new uppers, and limited edition rifles. Lars Larson will be doing a live broadcast on Friday December 13th from Noon to 6pm.
Are you getting ready for our big Friday?
Northwest Armory will have a special Smith & Wesson Corp. event showcasing their handguns and rifles including one of the most popular handguns on the market, the Shield. Crimson Trace will be here with special offers. Northtech Defense will be unveiling their new uppers, and limited edition rifles. Lars Larson will be doing a live broadcast on Friday December 13th from Noon to 6pm.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Unless Congress acts, Unemployement Benefits will end on Dec. 28
When much of the country was facing substantial unemployment, the federal government approved emergency unemployment compensation (EUC) benefits to help displaced workers weather the recession.
Now, those benefits are due to expire before the end of this month, cutting off 20,900 Oregon workers, about 157 of which live in Crook County. The EUC program provides unemployed Oregonians up to 73 weeks of additional benefits beyond the 26 allotted by the state in four tiers. The program has faced similar deadlines in the past, at which time Congress voted to extend the program. Continuing the benefits beyond Dec. 28 will again require approval from lawmakers.
Now, those benefits are due to expire before the end of this month, cutting off 20,900 Oregon workers, about 157 of which live in Crook County. The EUC program provides unemployed Oregonians up to 73 weeks of additional benefits beyond the 26 allotted by the state in four tiers. The program has faced similar deadlines in the past, at which time Congress voted to extend the program. Continuing the benefits beyond Dec. 28 will again require approval from lawmakers.
Oregon Mall Shooting Stopped By Licensed Gun Carrier!!
"But the people of Oregon are smart enough to know that we are not looking to take people’s guns away; to deprive them of their rights..." The quote above is from, if course, Ginny Burdick, who promoted a bill that would have banned virtually all modern firearms and allowed the police to search your home without a warrant. Yet the "media" printed her quote with a straight face. No questions, no follow up.
Proposal: Put Oregonians Back to Work in State Forests. Estimated jobs over five years: 2,108.
Details: Increase sustainable harvesting in Oregon State Forests. Require that 95 percent of new growth in timber be harvested. Timber jobs generated under this plan would pay an estimated $41,848 annual salary (per the Depts of Forestry and Employment). Proposal would pump an additional $441 million into the private sector through personal income growth over five years and generate $33 million in new tax revenue over five years (per the Legislative Revenue Office).
Details: Increase sustainable harvesting in Oregon State Forests. Require that 95 percent of new growth in timber be harvested. Timber jobs generated under this plan would pay an estimated $41,848 annual salary (per the Depts of Forestry and Employment). Proposal would pump an additional $441 million into the private sector through personal income growth over five years and generate $33 million in new tax revenue over five years (per the Legislative Revenue Office).
Oregon signs up just 44 people for Obamacare despite spending $300 million!!
Oregon, once touted as a model for President Obama's health care law, signed up just 44 people for insurance through November, despite spending more than $300 million on its state-based exchange. The state’s exchange had the fewest sign-ups in the nation, according to a new report today by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
The reason I got into this race was to make sure our children aren't robbed of their futures.
Check out my segment on the Lars Larson show from last Friday. We talked about generational theft and why the Republican Party is going to take the youth vote in Oregon in 2014. The reason I got into this race was to make sure our children aren't robbed of their futures. They deserve the same opportunities we had growing up in America.
NO Fourth Term For Kitzhaber!
Join the Multnomah County GOP in finding real solutions. Here at Multnomah County Republican Headquarters, we caught wind of Governor Kitzhaber's press conference scheduled for this morning where he's expected to announce his intentions to run for an unprecedented fourth term. While we applaud the call to public service and honor anyone willing to step up, we think it's about time he return to the private sector. After all, term limits should have kicked in, except for the loophole that the law only covers consecutive terms. In any event, we welcome Kitzhaber into the race, which finds a strong Republican challenger who's already been campaigning for many months - Rep. Dennis Richardson is giving him a run for his money by citing math, facts and credible budget predictions (none of which are strong suits for Kitzhaber). - See more at:
Oregon gives Intel a Nike-like tax deal. Wish I had A Deal Like That!!
Kitzhaber announced Friday that he's signed a 30-year agreement promising that any changes to Oregon's corporate tax structure won't affect Intel. In exchange, the computer chipmaker says it will expand a semiconductor plant in Hillsboro and create at least 500 jobs.
Thank You To All Who Came Out To Kick-Off My Campaign!!
A Big Thank You To Everyone who came out to The Bomber Museum to Celebrate Pearl Harbor Day and my Campaign Kick-Off For State Representative House District 41. You All Made It A Very Special Day for Myself and the World War II Veterans That Came To Show Their Support!! Congratulations To Maxine Walker for Winning The Monthly Monday Flowers For The Next Year!
Thank You To All Who Came Out To Kick-Off My Campaign!!
A Big Thank You To Everyone who came out to The Bomber Museum to Celebrate Pearl Harbor Day and my Campaign Kick-Off For State Representative House District 41. You All Made It A Very Special Day for Myself and the World War II Veterans That Came To Show Their Support!! Congratulations To Maxine Walker for Winning The Monthly Monday Flowers For The Next Year!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Oregon schools pack in most students per teacher in history!!
Oregon's student-teacher ratios, long some of the highest in the nation, rose to dramatic new highs of about 22 students per teacher in 2012-13, the state reported last week. Check out the exact numbers in my chart below.
The national average for 2011-12, the most recent figure available, was 16 students per teacher, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. That suggests that Oregon teachers, on average, shoulder about 35 percent more students than the typical U.S. teacher.
The national average for 2011-12, the most recent figure available, was 16 students per teacher, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. That suggests that Oregon teachers, on average, shoulder about 35 percent more students than the typical U.S. teacher.
SEIU's Proposed Hospital Ballot Measures Getting National Attention!
Service Employees International Union's proposed 2014 ballot measures in Oregon and California may be the vanguard of a national movement. Although it is unclear how many if any of those measures will make the ballot, The Wall Street Journal reported today the measures may be in part a tactic to organize more hospital workers. Meg Niemi, president of the Oregon SEIU local backing the initiatives in that state, said it hasn't otherwise been able to improve the affordability and quality of health care through cooperation with the industry. She said the union isn't seeking a neutrality agreement, but is interested in organizing members. SEIU played a supportive role in passage of the Affordable Care Act and is helping Oregonians enroll for health insurance under Cover Oregon. An argument might be made that poor judgement like that, and since the Obamacare/ACA (and Kitzhabercare) in Oregon is first and foremost about medical care rationing, is the best argument for voting against anything the SEIU tries to put on the ballot.
Oregon schools, get ready for the Cadillac tax Editorial
The mandates of the Affordable Care Act, once so pleasantly abstract, are raising visceral questions about fairness and affordability. How can Oregon school districts dodge the Cadillac tax in ways that are fair to teachers? How should they structure total compensation to keep the teaching profession attractive? Also, how can they offer good health insurance in ways that are fair to the taxpayers footing most of the bills? There aren’t easy answers, which is precisely why communication is so important. Embracing the popular parts of Obamacare was easy. This is the hard part.
BRUNCH BUFFET AT THE BOMBER Saturday, December 7th – 10am to 2pm Tim Mcmenamin reserved the Bomber Museum. To Honor Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day and all Veterans. Proud to be an American.
Catered Buffet by The Bomber Restaurant. Tickets $25 – Contribution to McMenamin for Oregon
Gather for Patriotic Songs and Music. Bonnie Kiggins on Keyboard and Cliff Hutchison on Snare Drum
Door Prize: One Year Flower Subscription. Surprise vase of flowers delivered once a month – value $300
Location: 13515 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie 97222 Wear your Red, White and Blue and Bring a Veteran!
Catered Buffet by The Bomber Restaurant. Tickets $25 – Contribution to McMenamin for Oregon
Gather for Patriotic Songs and Music. Bonnie Kiggins on Keyboard and Cliff Hutchison on Snare Drum
Door Prize: One Year Flower Subscription. Surprise vase of flowers delivered once a month – value $300
Location: 13515 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie 97222 Wear your Red, White and Blue and Bring a Veteran!
Monday, December 2, 2013
Girl, 11, told not to sell mistletoe, but begging is fine!!
At Portland's Saturday Market, begging is okay and so is protesting, but to work you need a permit. This weird rule was recently used to stop eleven-year-old Madison Root from selling her handmade mistletoe ornaments at the market. Ms Root has been trying to raise money to help pay for her braces.
Do you think the Saturday Market should get rid of this rule entirely or just make an exception for entrepreneurial kids?
Do you think the Saturday Market should get rid of this rule entirely or just make an exception for entrepreneurial kids?
Gallup survey rated MD's as the third most-trustworthy profession, below only nurses and Pharmacists.
A 2012 Gallup survey rated medical doctors as the third most-trustworthy profession, below only nurses and pharmacists. State legislators with pharmacy backgrounds shape health care policy. Although no pharmacists are in Congress, 46 pharmacists currently serve in state legislatures across the country. The November elections may bring as many as 12 new pharmacists to their state legislature; 6 pharmacists are running in 4 of the 25 states now without pharmacist legislators. A majority, 36, are Republicans; 10 are Democrats.
Campaign Kick Off and BRUNCH BUFFET AT THE BOMBER To Honor Pearl Harbor Day and all Veterans!!
BRUNCH BUFFET AT THE BOMBER Saturday, December 7th – 10am to 2pm Tim Mcmenamin reserved the Bomber Museum To Honor Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day and all Veterans Proud to be an American
Catered Buffet by The Bomber Restaurant. Tickets $25 – Contribution to McMenamin for Oregon.
Gather for Patriotic Songs and Music. Bonnie Kiggins on Keyboard and Cliff Hutchison on Snare Drum
Door Prize: One Year Flower Subscription. Surprise vase of flowers delivered once a month – value $300
Location: 13515 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie 97222
Wear your Red, White and Blue and Bring a Veteran
Catered Buffet by The Bomber Restaurant. Tickets $25 – Contribution to McMenamin for Oregon.
Gather for Patriotic Songs and Music. Bonnie Kiggins on Keyboard and Cliff Hutchison on Snare Drum
Door Prize: One Year Flower Subscription. Surprise vase of flowers delivered once a month – value $300
Location: 13515 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie 97222
Wear your Red, White and Blue and Bring a Veteran
Campaign Kick Off and BRUNCH BUFFET AT THE BOMBER To Honor Pearl Harbor Day and all Veterans!!
BRUNCH BUFFET AT THE BOMBER Saturday, December 7th – 10am to 2pm Tim Mcmenamin reserved the Bomber Museum To Honor Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day and all Veterans Proud to be an American
Catered Buffet by The Bomber Restaurant. Tickets $25 – Contribution to McMenamin for Oregon.
Gather for Patriotic Songs and Music. Bonnie Kiggins on Keyboard and Cliff Hutchison on Snare Drum
Door Prize: One Year Flower Subscription. Surprise vase of flowers delivered once a month – value $300
Location: 13515 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie 97222
Wear your Red, White and Blue and Bring a Veteran
Catered Buffet by The Bomber Restaurant. Tickets $25 – Contribution to McMenamin for Oregon.
Gather for Patriotic Songs and Music. Bonnie Kiggins on Keyboard and Cliff Hutchison on Snare Drum
Door Prize: One Year Flower Subscription. Surprise vase of flowers delivered once a month – value $300
Location: 13515 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie 97222
Wear your Red, White and Blue and Bring a Veteran
Director of OHA Rocky King Request 12 weeks Medical Leave While Board May Vote On His Job!!
Cover Oregon exchange director Rocky King has requested 12 weeks of family leave, leaving OHA director Bruce Goldberg as interim head. Cover Oregon exchange director Rocky King has requested medical leave as of today, the day the board may vote on his job.
Democrats have a proposal to do just that. Oregonians may have rejected it nine times, but lawmakers aren’t giving up on a sales tax. Instead, a 5 percent sales tax is part of a proposal lawmakers are using to build a blueprint for tax reform. The proposal, shared with The Oregonian by Sen. Mark Hass, also projects that its reforms would create 55,405 new jobs and raise $488 million a year in net tax revenue. Rep. Vicki Berger, R-Salem, said she’s doubtful that voters will want to talk sales tax any time soon."I think it is a very difficult conversation with the voters,” Berger said."Particularly at Christmas time when they’re all enjoying shopping at our outlet malls, which have no sales tax, and we’re celebrating this big influx of outside money that would dry up if we had sales tax.”
CAMPAIGN KICK OFF BRUNCH BUFFET AT THE BOMBER Saturday, December 7th – 10am to 2pm
Tim Mcmenamin reserved the Bomber Museum To Honor Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day and all Veterans
Proud to be an American. Catered Buffet by The Bomber Restaurant. Tickets $25 –
Contribution to McMenamin for Oregon. Gather for Patriotic Songs and Music.
Bonnie Kiggins on Keyboard and Cliff Hutchison on Snare Drum.
Door Prize: One Year Flower Subscription Surprise vase of flowers delivered once a month – value $300
More Raffle Prizes To Bennifit The B-17 Alliance Group!
Location: 13515 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie 97222
Wear your Red, White, and Blue! Bring a Veteran!
Proud to be an American. Catered Buffet by The Bomber Restaurant. Tickets $25 –
Contribution to McMenamin for Oregon. Gather for Patriotic Songs and Music.
Bonnie Kiggins on Keyboard and Cliff Hutchison on Snare Drum.
Door Prize: One Year Flower Subscription Surprise vase of flowers delivered once a month – value $300
More Raffle Prizes To Bennifit The B-17 Alliance Group!
Location: 13515 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie 97222
Wear your Red, White, and Blue! Bring a Veteran!
Kaylee Davidson Gets Third Runner Up At Miss Oregon Teen USA Pageant!!
Kaylee Davidson you may not have won The Miss Oregon Teen USA Pageant but You are the Best Third Runner Up I have ever seen. It was a pleasure supporting your run. You make Milwaukie Oregon Proud!
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