Monday, November 24, 2014

What happens when Radicals control Government?

This short film does a terrific service. Examine how past and current Governors and Legislatures in the State of Oregon have systematically destroyed industry, transportation, education, land use.. virtually every fabric of society. Why do Oregonians insist that we destroy our living standard by giving these radicals the power to destroy?

Friday, November 21, 2014

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmass!!

Five things to know about Oregon's outdoor smoking ban!!

The saga of the outdoor smoking ban at Oregon state parks is about to wrap up.
During the past year and a half, the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department has studied two rules that restrict how smokers of tobacco products can use the state's 286 parks along with all 362 miles of Oregon Coast beach.
Few issues have been as polarizing for the department. Among detractors, the department has been called everything from a nanny-state enforcer to a rogue branch of tyrannical government on par with Nazis. Among supporters, the department is taking logical steps to ban a toxic poison with no place on our public lands.

KOIN TV Exposes Oregon Sex Education Perversion

Special Announcement Parents' Rights in Education is excited to inform you that KOIN 6 Investigative Reporter, Carla CastaƱo is doing a 6-7 minute investigative story entitled "XXX Rated Education" on Tuesday, November 18 at 11:00 p.m. Our grassroots organization has spent a number of years researching, gathering evidence, informing Oregonians about what the Oregon Department of Education considers "healthy sexuality" and "safe sex". Many of you have contributed to our efforts. We are grateful for this! We are very pleased to have yet another opportunity via this upcoming news story, to "inform, equip, and empower" parents, guardians, district residents, school board members, and school officials. This "XXX Rated Education" needs to stop. Oregon students deserve better!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

B-17 Alliance & Pietros Pizza Tonight Thursday 4-10 PM

Students can practice face to face communication skills.
Students will learn about the home-front sacrifices during World War II.
Students will reeive a merit badge of participation from The B-17 Alliance!!
Play educational games with attending youth. Bring Your friends & family.
Have some pizza. Share ans Learn. Help Educate a new Generation

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States every year.

The Progressive Argumnet at the time of Roe v. Wade that if the US Supreme Court makes Abortion legal their will never be an unwanted child in America again. How is that working out for you all?

Most of us already know this, but it's front page NRA news.

Gov. Kitzhaber sat down for an interview with reporter Laural Porter of KGW to discuss his agenda for his next term in office. When asked about gun control Gov. Kitzhaber praised the new background check law recently passed in Washington state and stated that he plans to"pursue vigorously” the expansion of background checks in Oregon. He also indicated that he plans to use health care reform as a means to implement more gun control. He said by using the mental health system and reorganization of the health care system they can"identify families at risk” of gun violence. How exactly will Oregon’s doctors and mental health professionals play into this agenda of gun control. Does Gov. Kitzhaber plan to have doctors report on patients?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

You were warned. TriMet rebuffs C-Tran request

TriMet reiterated Wednesday that it has no plans to terminate a controversial light rail contract it signed with C-Tran last year, despite an earlier request from C-Tran to do just that. The two agencies signed the deal last year to detail how they would operate light rail in Vancouver as part of the proposed Columbia River Crossing project. The Interstate 5 Bridge replacement plan has since died, but the contract has no end date, leaving it in legal limbo.

Oregon’s First Anti-Gun Ballot Measure Filed

Oregon’s first anti-gun ballot measure has been filed. This bizarre measure called the"Oregon State Integrated Concealed Handgun Carry Act” has been filed by"Ifeanyichukwu Diru” who you may (or may not) recall, actually ran for Governor.The measure calls for handgun licenses to be limited to one year and all applicants must"submit a mental health report from their physicians as part of conditions to qualify to hold a concealed handgun permit”. We fully expected the lunatic anti-gun fringe to pull out all the stops thanks to their gains in the legislature and the reelection of Kitzhaber, so this ballot measure should not be a surprise, but it is just a down payment on what’s coming down the road. Remember, no matter what the freedom haters in the population centers dream up, most counties in Oregon are pro-gun. If their sheriffs and county commissioners refuse to support this kind of lunacy, it’s going to be up to a tiny number of State Police to try to enforce this kind of nonsense. Where do your sheriffs and commissioners stand?

Terry Scott, B-17 Alliance Group Executive Director, Lacey Lady's Home

One fine day, the Lacey Lady will again take to the sky, bringing with her stories of sacrifice, courage and, above all, hope. But that is six years and more than $3 million in the future. But for now, the iconic B-17 that once soared over gas pumps along Southeast McLoughlin Boulevard just south of Milwaukie will be taking a more prosaic journey to a new home in an 80-foot-by-80-foot hangar in Salem, plus office and classroom space. This is a SHOUT OUT to our friends. B-17 Alliance has a donor who has proposed a $2000 challenge. He will donate $2000.00 if we can match his $2000.00 If everyone gave $10.00 we would exceed this goal and that would be super cool! Will you help us reach this goal? You can donate at or right here on our FaceBook page:

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veteran's Day to all of the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Thank you to the United States Air Force Honor Guard and the American Bombshells for stopping by this morning.


In what appears to be the first of its kind ruling in the United States, the Board of Health in Brown County, Wisconsin, where Green Bay is located, has declared a local industrial wind plant to be a human health hazard. The specific facility consists of eight 500-foot high, 2.5 megawatt industrial wind turbines.


"America is the greatest country in the world. Why? – Because we are free. Free to live, worship, and speak how we wish. But freedom does not come free - it comes with a price - a price that those who fought for our country have paid. I want to show my appreciation to all veterans on this day. Thank you for doing your duty, stepping up and not down, defending our freedom and putting your life on the line",

Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Chicken In Every Pot, and a Car In Every Garage but who Pays??

Taylor has won more than 60 percent of the vote in both counties against Republican Tim McMenamin, in the heavily Democratic district. Taylor, who has two children enrolled in the Portland Public School system, is focused on bettering public schools and hopes to help restore a full school year. She also wants to increase workforce training and infrastructure so that Oregon businesses are better equipped to compete with businesses in other states. Additionally, she’s concerned with providing in-home care for seniors and protecting the environment.

Ignore the busybodies like Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum

That’s my advice after learning that Oregon’s attorney general, Ellen Rosenblum, and attorneys general representing 27 other states and territories, have signed a letter to big pharmacy chains, including Rite Aid, Walgreens, Kroger, Safeway and Walmart, calling on them to stop selling tobacco products in stores that also have pharmacies. What individual stores stock should be based on customer preferences, not the headline-grabbing antics of state attorneys general eager to impose their views on the marketplace. (

Thanks to all those who volunteered their time and donated to Our Campaign.

I will be writing a longer essay on my thoughts for the future and the Republican Party and publishing it soon. In the meantime, here's some thoughts from an Oregon journalist I have always admired: With the opposition reduced, next year the legislature will complete the program of driving up fuel costs in order to save the world from getting warmer, and it will likely pass laws to get more people automatically registered as voters even though they show no inclination to register on their own. Also coming in 2015: more restrictions on the constitutional rights of gun owners.

Fatal Car Crashes Involving Marijuana Have Tripled

SEATTLE (CBS Seattle) – According to a recent study, fatal car crashes involving pot use have tripled in the U.S."Currently, one of nine drivers involved in fatal crashes would test positive for marijuana,” Dr. Guohua Li, director of the Center for Injury Epidemiology and Prevention at Columbia, and co-author of the study told HealthDay News.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Women Do You Agree With This?

Learn more at


Well, the polls close in 24 hours. I know we are all done with the phone calls, mailers, and commercials. But please don't let all that keep you from going to the polls. The privilege to choose our leaders in a free Republic is something we should never take for granted. Please get informed and vote.

Either You Limit Government or Government Limits You!!

The no-brainer bunch Editorial endorsement by The Oregonian

Tim McMenamin has Unparralled name recognition along with a hard work ethic. Tim has been out in House District 41 for four years now, but his opponent has yet to show any commitment to the District. Rather than pretending an endorsement would make the slightest bit of difference in such races, we'll simply point out the obvious: The candidates belonging to the party with the huge registration advantage are going to win. This would be the case even if a disadvantaged candidate had unparalleled name recognition, as Timothy McMenamin does in Portland's House District 41. He'll still be beaten by Democratic candidate Kathleen Taylor, thanks to her party's nearly three-to-one registration advantage. That's to bad. Tim has worked hard for his District and this writer thinks he deserves to win. ia

Willamette Week Endorses My Opponent Read Her Statement Can't This Up!

"When asked this time about tax reform, for example, Taylor wasn’t prepared to talk in any depth about what she might prefer, except to say a more progressive system would be better. Of all the issues Oregon faces—taxes, mental health care, school reform, to name a few—she says her absolutely No. 1 issue is e-cigarettes. She wants to pass laws against minors buying e-cigs and how they can be marketed. That’s a pretty narrow agenda".
Only 32 hours left to vote! 8pm tomorrow is the deadline. Find your closest ballot drop off location here:

League of Women Voters Cabdidate Q&A Tim McMenamin Wins Hands Down

see more at

Tim McMenamin on World News Tonight!!

Tim McMenamin For Oregon State Representive House District 41: see more at


Oregon schools chief Rob Saxton said he won't consider delaying the Smarter Balanced tests because that would lower expectations, deny parents and schools accurate information about how prepared students are for college and career and leave Oregon lagging behind other states.


Thank You To The Libertarian Party of Oregon For Their Nomination

Oregogn Libertarian Party Elects Tim McMenanamin For State Representative House District 41:


Well, the polls close in 44 hours. I know we are all done with the phone calls, mailers, and commercials. But please don't let all that keep you from going to the polls. The privilege to choose our leaders in a free Republic is something we should never take for granted. Please get informed and vote. You may still have time to get over to the Shawnee county election office to vote. Early voting ends Monday at noon.

Oregonians For Immigration Reform (OFIR) Tim McMenamin's Positions Clear

The questionnaire of the Oregon Abigail Adams Voter Education Project for this year’s general election is a rich resource for learning what candidates think about important public issues, including immigration. All who replied to the OAAVEP questionnaire are persons who’ve thought about public issues and are willing to say what their views are. Politicians are often accused of vagueness and speaking only in generalities, but those who answered the OAAVEP questionnaire are stating specific opinions for voters to consider. To see replies to the OAAVEP questions, please visit

Oregon Virtual School Alliance Supports Tim McMenamin

Innovative Ideas from an Innovative Candidate: Tim McMenamin For State Representative House District 41:
1. Do you support allowing Oregon parents choose the public education option that works best for their children? Yes
2. Do you support the use of technology to offer different education methods designed to meet a child’s individual academic needs? Yes
3. Do you support full, stable, and non-discriminatory funding for virtual public schools to ensure their students are receiving the same quality education as their traditional classroom counterparts? Yes
4. Do you believe the state should be able restrict the number of virtual public schools available Oregon students? No
5. Do you support the removal of enrollment caps on virtual public schools, which currently limit the number of students who can attend a virtual public school from any one school district? Yes
6. Do you know anyone who has a child attending an Oregon virtual public school? Yes
7. Do you know a virtual public school teacher? Yes
8. Would you be willing to meet with a virtual school family for a virtual school lesson demonstration? Yes, Already.

Vote For Timothy E. McMenamin For Oregon State Rep. HD 41


Milwaukie, Oregon Latest News & Information Tim McMenamin

Tim McMenamin For Oregon State Representative House District 41: Oak Grove, Milwaukie, Moreland, Sellwood, and the Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood. Vote Tim McMenamin For Your State Representative! see more at

Clackamas Conservative Crew Candidates and Light Rail Measures

Our Mission is to Re-establish The Limits and Boundries of Government as framed by Our Founding Fathers
of These United States of America. In God We Trust.

Catholic Charities of Portland 1 Non-Profit Helping Oregon Families

Tim McMenamin Candidate For State Representative House District 41 Proud Sponsor of Chatholic Charities!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

VOTE!! You Can Make A Difference!!

Vote!! You Can Make A Difference!!

Next Time Think Before You Vote!!

Portland street fee, unpaved roads, a problem the fee won't fix

City of Portland officials tout unpaved roads as a reason we need the street fee (BD has the 2nd highest amount in the city!), yet the truth comes out the street fee would do nothing for paving unpaved streets. What do you think about this development?

Kitzhaber-backed 'clean fuels' program a hidden tax on gas

"California has adopted the nation's only LCFS, a program energy experts say is infeasible. Forcing manufacturers of gasoline and diesel fuels to meet a standard that can't currently be met puts the state's entire fuel supply in a very precarious position." by John Egge

The no-brainer bunch Editorial endorsement

Tim McMenamin has Unparralled name recognition along with a hard work ethic. Tim has been out in House District 41 for four years now, but his opponent has yet to show any commitment to the District. Rather than pretending an endorsement would make the slightest bit of difference in such races, we'll simply point out the obvious: The candidates belonging to the party with the huge registration advantage are going to win. This would be the case even if a disadvantaged candidate had unparalleled name recognition, as Timothy McMenamin does in Portland's House District 41. He'll still be beaten by Democratic candidate Kathleen Taylor, thanks to her party's nearly three-to-one registration advantage. That's to bad. Tim has worked hard for his District and this writer thinks he deserves to win.

The no-brainer bunch Don't let Your Vote Be Taken For Granted!!

Tim McMenamin has Unparralled name recognition along with a hard work ethic. Tim has been out in House District 41 for four years now, but his opponent has yet to show any commitment to the District. Rather than pretending an endorsement would make the slightest bit of difference in such races, we'll simply point out the obvious: The candidates belonging to the party with the huge registration advantage are going to win. This would be the case even if a disadvantaged candidate had unparalleled name recognition, as Timothy McMenamin does in Portland's House District 41. He'll still be beaten by Democratic candidate Kathleen Taylor, thanks to her party's nearly three-to-one registration advantage. That's to bad. Tim has worked hard for his District and this writer thinks he deserves to win.

Wilamette Week Asked My Opponent Some Important Questions!!

"When asked this time about tax reform, for example, Taylor wasn’t prepared to talk in any depth about what she might prefer, except to say a more progressive system would be better". "Of all the issues Oregon faces—taxes, mental health care, school reform, to name a few—she says her absolutely No. 1 issue is e-cigarettes. She wants to pass laws against minors buying e-cigs and how they can be marketed. That’s a pretty narrow agenda".

Poll Vault Supports Tim McMenamin In The 2014 General Election


Timothy McMenamin (@McMenamin4OR) | Twitter

Like most Oregonians, I am deeply concerned about Oregon's spending priorities. We have little to show for the alarming growth in spending. Oregon's government has lacked accountability and transparency. Poor decisions have led to over spending and waste. As your State Representative I will work to restore appropriate spending priorities in Salem. The Legislature has held schools and public safety hostage every time they want more revenue for non-essential programs. Spending has increased remarkably while the quality of core government services has significantly decreased. Many agencies are ineffective and inefficient with little or no legislative oversight. As your State Representative I will work to promote job growth and long-term economic stability. I value hard work and will work to make it possible for businesses to do what they do best --- create jobs and ignite the economy. Regulations should guide, not restrict, and tax policy should encourage, not discourage, entrepreneurial risk-taking and small business creation.

More Money, Same Problems for Oregon Schools

Instead of investing too little, Oregon schools have failed to invest their scarce resources in the right places, namely students and teachers. A major part of the problem lies in the hiring of an ever-increasing number of administrators and non-teaching support staff who are soaking up highly valuable but limited funding. A report released by the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice shows that Oregon had a 47.3 percent increase in the number of administrators and non-teaching support staff from 1992 to 2009. This astounding growth more than triples that of students and teachers, which only grew by 15.4 percent and 12.7 percent respectively. Oregon schools now employ more administrators and non-teaching support staff than they do teachers.

Legislative Action Results For Tim McMenamin

Results: 98.67%
Residence: Milwaukie
Marital Status: Engaged
Prev. Occupation: Pharmacist
Education: BS Oregon State University, 1987; BS Oregon State University, 1989
Religion: Catholic

Tim McMenamins 2014 Voter Staement

Vote 411 Voters Guide Asks You To Read and Compare Vote For The Best

Experience Not A Career Politician. A Community and Long Term Care Pharmacist. Currently a full time care giver to an Alzheimers patient with advanced senile dementia.Getting ready for the wave of baby-boomers that will need full and part time care. Your Qualifications Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. As a Pharmacist and former Manager of a large Community Pharmacy, I understand Our issues in Health Care and how to manage a business. North Clackamas Chamber of Commerce. Member of The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), City Club of Portland, Catholic Charities, The Elks, Oregon State Pharmacy Association, Florida Pharmacy Association.

Vote 411 Guide Of the many tax suggestions would you support and why?

Timothy E McMenamin:
The way that Obamacare collects the penalty for not having insurance is a 5th Amendment violation, too -- but that one hasn't hit the court system yet. I don't think the subsidy issue will be enough, but if everyone can get out of paying the penalty by asserting their 5th amendment rights, then I think that may well be the final nail.


Why is our economy constantly lagging behind the rest of the nation? Why do our kids have to leave the state to find jobs? "Beyond The Oregon Myth" is a documentary that asks these questions and dissects some of the more mythical and utopian views of Oregon held by our friends on the east coast. We love our state but we know what is really going on here and we know we deserve better.

Tim McMenamin Best On Oregon Abigail Adams Voter Education Project