Sunday, June 26, 2016

Milwaukie, Oregon Parking Lot Going Up Next To Reliable Credit Same Block::

Reliable Credit next to the Farmers Market owns that block and is taking out five downtown business' to put in parking for it's employees. So, when Metro is finished there will be a five story, high density apartments across from Milwaukie City Hall and a parking lot, for Reliable employees only, on the north block next to these apartments. Not exactly revitalizing Downtown Milwaukie but what do you expect from City Councilors (except Scott Churchill) who are using Our City for their political advancement. Think about this, how did the Light Rail become reality if the citizens of Miwaukie voted it down three times? Where does Carlotta Collette work and where did she get her start?
#Milwaukie #OakGrove #Clackamas #MilwaukieFarmersMarket #FarmersMarket #TimMcMenamin

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