A native Oregonian having been born and raised in our District. A Pharmacy Manager of a Community and Retail Pharmacy. I know how to run a business. A Long Term Care Pharmacist. I know the issues facing our aging baby boomers. A full time Care Giver. I know what it is like to struggle with work and caring for our aging parents.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Portland, Oregon-FrightTown looks for new venue next year: 'It's the death of a thousand cuts'
Portland, Oregon-FrightTown looks for new venue next year: 'It's the death of a thousand cuts'
Dave Helfrey, creator of FrightTown, said attendance is already down 25 percent from last year. At this rate Helfrey says he won't break even. "You can't look at one thing and say it's the cost of rent in the Coliseum, or the cost of workers comp insurance, or cost of anything. It's the cost of all those things. It's the death of a thousand cuts," he added.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Oregon Abigail Adams Questionnaire- Compare My Answers To My Opponents
Oregon Abigail Adams Questionnaire- Compare My Answers To My Opponents.
North Clackamas School District Wants $433 Million Dollars. Vote NO on Measure 3-487
North Clackamas School District Wants $433 Million Dollars. Vote No on Measure 3-487
Oregon Schools already receive $400,000 per class room. The NCSD12 asked for a $200 Million Dollar Bond in 1996 & 2006. Which cost me an additional $565 per year on my property taxes. Now, NCSD12 is asking for $433 Million which will be an additional $1250 on my property taxes for the next ten years. Then they will ask again only for more. I am all for funding education but my pockets are not that deep. I think $400,000 per class room is enough. Besides most of the money is going to a second high school in Happy Valley. I think it is time to split NCSD12 into Two School Districts. Ours being from the river up to 82nd Avenue and make a new school district from 82nd Ave. to Estacada and let Happy Valley pay for all their new fancy schools.
Oregon Schools already receive $400,000 per class room. The NCSD12 asked for a $200 Million Dollar Bond in 1996 & 2006. Which cost me an additional $565 per year on my property taxes. Now, NCSD12 is asking for $433 Million which will be an additional $1250 on my property taxes for the next ten years. Then they will ask again only for more. I am all for funding education but my pockets are not that deep. I think $400,000 per class room is enough. Besides most of the money is going to a second high school in Happy Valley. I think it is time to split NCSD12 into Two School Districts. Ours being from the river up to 82nd Avenue and make a new school district from 82nd Ave. to Estacada and let Happy Valley pay for all their new fancy schools.
Oregon: Should Education Dollars Go To Health Care??
Oregon: Should Education Dollars Go To Health Care??
Milwaukie High School has a School Based Health Care Center (SBHCS). Our Law Makers want a SBHCS in Every Middle School and High School in Oregon. If a child is that sick I would prefer the school call the parent first. If a family member can not break away from work to pick up their child then how about a public-private agreement where the school takes the child across the street to an Urgent Care clinic? Does this make sense? If so then Vote No on Measure 3-487. The money is going for a second High School in Happy Valley anyway. #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Clackamas #NCSD12 #timmcmenamin #Oregon #HD41 #StateRepHD41
Milwaukie High School has a School Based Health Care Center (SBHCS). Our Law Makers want a SBHCS in Every Middle School and High School in Oregon. If a child is that sick I would prefer the school call the parent first. If a family member can not break away from work to pick up their child then how about a public-private agreement where the school takes the child across the street to an Urgent Care clinic? Does this make sense? If so then Vote No on Measure 3-487. The money is going for a second High School in Happy Valley anyway. #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Clackamas #NCSD12 #timmcmenamin #Oregon #HD41 #StateRepHD41
Monday, October 24, 2016
Tim McMenamin is the Only Candidate that is On The Record!!
This is what the Fight Big Money Oregon campaign is all about. Ensuring that constituents like yourself interact directly with the candidates running to represent you, and making them be specific about how they will work to get big money out of politics. Start typing your address below, then select it from the autocomplete dropdown.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Tim McMenamin 2016 Campaign For Your State Representative HD 41::
Do you understand what my opponent's answer is if Measure 97 Does Not Pass?? She, like many of the Party in Power say is "Do Away with the 3% Property tax Limitation" Which will take us back to the 1990's when Property Taxes were going up 15% to 20% per year. Salem needs to spend Our Tax Dollars wisely. Increasing property taxes and a Gross Receipts Tax is Not The Answer.
Click On The Link To View All Three Answers-
#timmcmenamin #Portland #pdx #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Brentwood #Darlington #EastMoreland #WestMoreland #Multnomah
Click On The Link To View All Three Answers-
#timmcmenamin #Portland #pdx #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Brentwood #Darlington #EastMoreland #WestMoreland #Multnomah
Tim McMenamin 2016 Campaign For State Representative House District 41::
Please accept my apology. I am not in the 2016 Voters Pamphlet. I was unable to raise the money before the deadline.
Tim McMenamin For Oregon State Representative House District 41: Milwaukie and Oak Grove in Clackamas. In Multnomah County we have Sellwood, West Moreland, East Moreland, and the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood.
Tim McMenamin For Oregon State Representative House District 41: Milwaukie and Oak Grove in Clackamas. In Multnomah County we have Sellwood, West Moreland, East Moreland, and the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood.
Tim McMenamin for State Representative House District 41
Please accept my apology. I am not in the 2016 Voters Pamphlet. I was unable to raise the money before the deadline.
Tim McMenamin For Oregon State Representative House District 41: Milwaukie and Oak Grove in Clackamas. In Multnomah County we have Sellwood, West Moreland, East Moreland, and the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood.
Tim McMenamin For Oregon State Representative House District 41: Milwaukie and Oak Grove in Clackamas. In Multnomah County we have Sellwood, West Moreland, East Moreland, and the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Tim McMenamin For Oregon State Representative House District 41: 2016 Election
Please accept my apology. I am not in the 2016 Voters Pamphlet. I was unable to raise the money before the deadline.
Tim McMenamin For Oregon State Representative House District 41: Milwaukie and Oak Grove in Clackamas. In Multnomah County we have Sellwood, West Moreland, East Moreland, and the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood.
Tim McMenamin For Oregon State Representative House District 41: Milwaukie and Oak Grove in Clackamas. In Multnomah County we have Sellwood, West Moreland, East Moreland, and the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood.
Tim McMenamin For Oregon State Representative House District 41: 2016 Election
2016 Election Video for Tim McMenamin For Oregon State Representative House District 41: Milwaukie an Oak Grove in Clackamas. In Multnomah County we have Sellwood, West Moreland, East Moreland, and the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Clackamas & Multnomah League of Women Voters Can Not Be Wrong::
Three Simple Questions. Very Different answers. Click on the Picture to Read the Answers!!
#portland #milwaukie #OakGrove #StateRepresentative #orleg #orpol #timmcmenamin @LWV
#portland #milwaukie #OakGrove #StateRepresentative #orleg #orpol #timmcmenamin @LWV
Monday, October 10, 2016
Tim McMenamin For Oregon State Representative HD 41::
#portland #pdx #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Clackamas #Multnomah #orpol #orcot
#portland #pdx #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Clackamas #Multnomah #orpol #orcot
Oregon LWV Vote 411: Compare My Answers To My Opponents::
A Pharmacy Manager of a Community and Retail Pharmacy. I know how to run a business. A Long Term Care Pharmacist. I know the issues facing our aging baby boomers. A full time Care Giver. I know what it is like to struggle with work and caring for our aging parents. Compare my answers to my opponents. Her solution increase Taxes and Fees. Click on the picture to see the Answers::
#portland #pdx #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Clackamas #Multnomah #Brentwood #timmcmenamin #McMenaminForOregon
#portland #pdx #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Clackamas #Multnomah #Brentwood #timmcmenamin #McMenaminForOregon
Oregon Voters; Compare My Answers To My Opponents
A Pharmacy Manager of a Community and Retail Pharmacy. I know how to run a business. A Long Term Care Pharmacist. I know the issues facing our aging baby boomers. A full time Care Giver. I know what it is like to struggle with work and caring for our aging parents. Compare my answers to my opponents!! Click on the picture to see the Answers::
Oregon Fraud & Corruption vs. Truth and Justice:
When Fraud and Corruption replace Truth and Justice it is time to get up off the couch and take action!! SCOTUS 10-1470
Oregon Voters Compare My Answers To My Opponents:: Then VOTE!!
A Pharmacy Manager of a Community and Retail Pharmacy. I know how to run a business. A Long Term Care Pharmacist. I know the issues facing our aging baby boomers. A full time Care Giver. I know what it is like to struggle with work and caring for our aging parents. Compare my answers to my opponents!! Click on the picture to see the Answers::
Friday, September 30, 2016
Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) Fails ALL Federal Child Care Standards::
Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) Fails ALL Federal Child Care Standards::
SALEM, Ore. -- State officials knew eight years ago of deficiencies in their child welfare programs and failed to address any of the significant issues, according to a report sent to federal assessors last month. The 2008 review found the Oregon Department of Human Services below standard in 11 of 13 federal child care assessment categories. DHS is required to assess its child care programs about every six years. Top DHS officials would have been aware of the 2008 review — including the director, deputy director and all division managers — said spokeswoman Andrea Cantu-Schomus. The report shows that DHS: Is below standard for child maltreatment with more than 540 substantiated cases of child abuse from from 2013 to 2015, Below standards for recurrent child maltreatment, with nearly 10 percent of abused children experiencing repeated maltreatment, Does not conduct sufficient investigations of reported of child abuse, Does not handle cases in a timely manner with only 50 percent addressed within time limits, and some cases receiving timely responses 15.5 percent of the time.
Portland’s Der Rheinlander to Close After 53 Years::
Portland’s Der Rheinlander to Close After 53 Years::
Der Rheinlander was founded in 1963 by Portland’s original celebrity chef, Horst Mager. The chef appeared on KOIN 6 in the 1970s doing a weekly cooking segment. In the 1990s, Suzeanne Mager, Horst Mager’s daughter, purchased the business, keeping it in the family.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Oregon Votes: Compare My Answers To My Opponents. Then Vote For Oregon::
Oregon Votes: Compare My Answers To My Opponents. Then Vote For Oregon::
A Pharmacy Manager of a Community and Retail Pharmacy. I know how to run a business. A Long Term Care Pharmacist. I know the issues facing our aging baby boomers. A full time Care Giver. I know what it is like to struggle with work and caring for our aging parents. Compare my answers to my opponents!! Click on the picture to see the Answers::
http://vote-or.org/CompareCandidates.aspx? State=OR&Election=OR20161108GA&Office=ORStateHouse41
A Pharmacy Manager of a Community and Retail Pharmacy. I know how to run a business. A Long Term Care Pharmacist. I know the issues facing our aging baby boomers. A full time Care Giver. I know what it is like to struggle with work and caring for our aging parents. Compare my answers to my opponents!! Click on the picture to see the Answers::
http://vote-or.org/CompareCandidates.aspx? State=OR&Election=OR20161108GA&Office=ORStateHouse41
Oregon 2016 Ballot Measures: Know What They Will Do::
Oregon 2016 Ballot Measures: Know What They Will Do::
Know The Ballot Measures: One of these will cost $600 per person. A Family of Four will Pay an additional $2,400 More per Year.
League of Women Voters members have researched and written these ballot measure reports. Researchers try to verify all factual information. We work diligently to ensure that our reports are balanced, accurate, and fair. We strive to provide the information you need to make an informed VOTE! Our sources include: Financial Impact and Explanatory Statements from the Secretary of State, State agencies and economists, and Measure supporters and opponents:
Ballot Measure # 94 -Judicial Retirement Amendment.
Ballot Measure # 95 -Public University Investments.
Ballot Measure # 96 -Lottery funds for Veterans.
Ballot Measure # 97 -Oregon Corporate Tax Increase.
Ballot Measure # 98 -Oregonians for High School Success.
Ballot Measure # 99 -Outdoor School Education Fund.
Ballot Measure #100 -Wildlife Trafficking Prevention.
Know The Ballot Measures: One of these will cost $600 per person. A Family of Four will Pay an additional $2,400 More per Year.
League of Women Voters members have researched and written these ballot measure reports. Researchers try to verify all factual information. We work diligently to ensure that our reports are balanced, accurate, and fair. We strive to provide the information you need to make an informed VOTE! Our sources include: Financial Impact and Explanatory Statements from the Secretary of State, State agencies and economists, and Measure supporters and opponents:
Ballot Measure # 94 -Judicial Retirement Amendment.
Ballot Measure # 95 -Public University Investments.
Ballot Measure # 96 -Lottery funds for Veterans.
Ballot Measure # 97 -Oregon Corporate Tax Increase.
Ballot Measure # 98 -Oregonians for High School Success.
Ballot Measure # 99 -Outdoor School Education Fund.
Ballot Measure #100 -Wildlife Trafficking Prevention.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Milwaukie, Oregon: Will You Donate $1000 To A Mustang Sports Team??
Milwaukie, Oregon: Will You Donate $1000 To A Mustang Sports Team??
The reason these programs are so nice and Free is because of the Advertisements. After Four Years of running my ad in the Football, Basketball, and Baseball programs which gave each team $1000 I was told in the Fall of 2014 by the new Athletic Director, who arrived in September 2014, that I could no longer run my ad. Even after the contract was signed four months earlier. The reason given was the school district did not want anyone to think that the school endorsed my campaign. Do You think the school endorses the Dentists, Auto Shops, Pizza Place, or Attorneys, etc. that advertise in the program? So, why play politics? The only one's that are hurt by this action are the teams that will not receive the $1000. My opponent, in 2014, had a chance to place an ad but chose Not to.
If a Milwaukie High Alum wants to place an ad to let his friends and neighbors know he is running for State Representative and also help Milwaukie High Athletics than what is the harm? Let's keep politics out of Our Athletics and let the teams enjoy an extra $1000.
#Milwaukie #MilwaukieHigh #Mustangs #OakGrove #Clackamas #timmcmenamin
The reason these programs are so nice and Free is because of the Advertisements. After Four Years of running my ad in the Football, Basketball, and Baseball programs which gave each team $1000 I was told in the Fall of 2014 by the new Athletic Director, who arrived in September 2014, that I could no longer run my ad. Even after the contract was signed four months earlier. The reason given was the school district did not want anyone to think that the school endorsed my campaign. Do You think the school endorses the Dentists, Auto Shops, Pizza Place, or Attorneys, etc. that advertise in the program? So, why play politics? The only one's that are hurt by this action are the teams that will not receive the $1000. My opponent, in 2014, had a chance to place an ad but chose Not to.
If a Milwaukie High Alum wants to place an ad to let his friends and neighbors know he is running for State Representative and also help Milwaukie High Athletics than what is the harm? Let's keep politics out of Our Athletics and let the teams enjoy an extra $1000.
#Milwaukie #MilwaukieHigh #Mustangs #OakGrove #Clackamas #timmcmenamin
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Oregon's Legislature Most Anti-Business, Anti-Family Cost of Living::
Oregon's Legislature Most Anti-Business, Anti-Family Cost of Living::
The extremely controversial Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) enacted by SB 324 is arguably the most egregious of all the anti-business and anti-consumer laws passed. This law serves to raise the costs of energy for businesses and families, while making no measurable impact on global carbon emissions and failing to provide a single penny for much-needed road infrastructure improvements anywhere in Oregon. The only beneficiaries will be many of the out-of-state green energy corporations who helped sponsor the bill. We asked the DEQ representative how much of Oregon’s carbon output results from forest fires. His reply was it is not counted at all was mind-numbing! The public health impacts of such fires are severe and readily apparent. The reality is that many of the catastrophic wildfires that happen every year could be easily prevented through sound, science-based forest management practices. As a state, we are running the long-term risk of losing our fire insurance coverage. We came very close this year, even following huge increases in the insurance premium. If that happens, Oregon taxpayers and landowners will have to the bear the full cost of fighting these fires. That will divert resources from schools, public safety and other essential government functions. Catastrophic wildfires are bad for the environment. They are second only to volcanoes in the global emissions of greenhouse gases. They kill and horribly maim wild animals and poison and kill fish. Contamination with toxic ash and increased erosion of stream beds ensure many years of seriously degraded fish habitat. It is more important than ever that we put people back to work in our forests to do the kinds of preventative maintenance that is needed to keep them healthy and thriving. Sustainable forest harvest is symbiotic. It provides jobs and building materials while improving forest health. It ensures healthy forests for recreation that brings tourists from all over the world to share the scenic beauty that we have been blessed with.
The extremely controversial Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) enacted by SB 324 is arguably the most egregious of all the anti-business and anti-consumer laws passed. This law serves to raise the costs of energy for businesses and families, while making no measurable impact on global carbon emissions and failing to provide a single penny for much-needed road infrastructure improvements anywhere in Oregon. The only beneficiaries will be many of the out-of-state green energy corporations who helped sponsor the bill. We asked the DEQ representative how much of Oregon’s carbon output results from forest fires. His reply was it is not counted at all was mind-numbing! The public health impacts of such fires are severe and readily apparent. The reality is that many of the catastrophic wildfires that happen every year could be easily prevented through sound, science-based forest management practices. As a state, we are running the long-term risk of losing our fire insurance coverage. We came very close this year, even following huge increases in the insurance premium. If that happens, Oregon taxpayers and landowners will have to the bear the full cost of fighting these fires. That will divert resources from schools, public safety and other essential government functions. Catastrophic wildfires are bad for the environment. They are second only to volcanoes in the global emissions of greenhouse gases. They kill and horribly maim wild animals and poison and kill fish. Contamination with toxic ash and increased erosion of stream beds ensure many years of seriously degraded fish habitat. It is more important than ever that we put people back to work in our forests to do the kinds of preventative maintenance that is needed to keep them healthy and thriving. Sustainable forest harvest is symbiotic. It provides jobs and building materials while improving forest health. It ensures healthy forests for recreation that brings tourists from all over the world to share the scenic beauty that we have been blessed with.
Monday, September 19, 2016
SB 324 Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) To Add $1.06 per Gallon of Gas::
SB 324 Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) To Add $1.06 per Gallon of Gas::
This money goes to out-of-state renewable energy companies. Not to Roads and Bridges. SB 324 The Low Carbon Fuel Standard will cost Oregonians $1.17 Billion Dollars by increasing cost of fuel.
This money goes to out-of-state renewable energy companies. Not to Roads and Bridges. SB 324 The Low Carbon Fuel Standard will cost Oregonians $1.17 Billion Dollars by increasing cost of fuel.
SB 324 Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) To Add $1.06 per Gallon of Gas::
SALEM -- Doing precisely what she said she would, Gov. Kate Brown on Thursday made good on promises to sign a contentious bill extending Oregon's clean fuels program -- refusing demands from Republicans and other critics that she veto legislation closely tied to former Gov. John Kitzhaber's scandal-marred legacy. Brown has said she's sensitive to "unintended consequences" and offered to have the state's agriculture and environmental qualities proactively monitor gas and farm prices and the program's effect on alternative fuel supplies. The program continued by SB 324 requires distributors to lower the carbon "intensity" of vehicle fuel by 10 percent over the next decade.
#oregon #fuel #LCFS #orpol #orleg #orcot #portland #pdx #Milwaukie #timmcmenamin
#oregon #fuel #LCFS #orpol #orleg #orcot #portland #pdx #Milwaukie #timmcmenamin
Increase In Fees For Workers Comp. Insurance Cost Employers $2 Billion::
HB 2764 that was introduced by the Trial Lawyers Association will cost Oregon Small Business Owners an additional $2 Billion Dollars. House Bill 2764 would raise attorney fees and create new scenarios in which fees could be awarded. Before the reforms of 1990, the state’s system was in crisis: Employer costs and worker injury rates were among the highest in the nation, while worker benefits were among the lowest. Since then, however, employer costs have declined more than 60 percent, worker benefits are consistently at or above the national median, injury rates have decreased more than 50 percent and litigation has declined significantly. And while other states have been reducing benefits, Oregon’s system has remained steady. But despite reforms, workers’ compensation premiums are still one of the biggest costs of doing business, so an increase means employers would have to decide between hiring more workers or approving requested overtime for current employees, Meekcoms wrote in the Salem Business Journal.
#portland #pdx #milwaukie #oakgrove #clackamas #multnomah #oregonbusiness #timmcmenamin
#portland #pdx #milwaukie #oakgrove #clackamas #multnomah #oregonbusiness #timmcmenamin
Portland, Oregon: New Law To Increase Auto Insurance Rates:
PORTLAND, Ore. -A new law enacted by the Oregon Legislature that takes effect Saturday will change the way auto insurance claims involving injuries and uninsured drivers are paid by insurers. SB 411 Increases Motor Vehicle Insurance by $55 per year. SB 411 changes requirements for two insurance policy types: Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM). Drivers in Oregon are required by law to carry at least minimum limits of both policy types, in addition to Liability insurance. (Drivers in Washington, Idaho and California are only required to have Liability insurance – the other coverages are optional.) Under the new law, the benefit period for payment of PIP benefits has doubled from one year to two.
#oregon #portland #pdx #milwaukie #oakgrove #clackamas #multnomah #orpol #orleg #orcot #pulpportland #timmcmenamin
#oregon #portland #pdx #milwaukie #oakgrove #clackamas #multnomah #orpol #orleg #orcot #pulpportland #timmcmenamin
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Blame Unions for High Prison Costs::
Similarly, Multnomah County’s Wapato Jail has operated 100 percent vacant for almost 13 years, costing Oregon taxpayers between $300,000 and $400,000 annually. Over the past decade, Oregon’s prison population has grown by more than 3,000 inmates, bringing the total number of inmates to over 14,000, spanning 14 prisons―including the $120 million Dear Ridge Correctional Institute which, despite 60 percent vacancy, still operates. On the bright side, union members still have their jobs.
#Oregon #Prison #orpol #orcot #Portland #PulpPortland #Wapato #Grimm
#Oregon #Prison #orpol #orcot #Portland #PulpPortland #Wapato #Grimm
Portland May Follow Rusted, Busted, Detroit::
Will Portland eventually follow Detroit into bankruptcy? Moody’s is re-examining Portland for a possible downgrade due to Portland's $453 million in unfunded pension debt and unfunded liabilities of $2.3 billion for its police and firefighters pension and disability plan.
#Portland #Multnomah #PDXBankruptcy #StumptownDown #PulPortland #MCRP #orcot #PortlandPolitics #Grimm #timmcmenamin
#Portland #Multnomah #PDXBankruptcy #StumptownDown #PulPortland #MCRP #orcot #PortlandPolitics #Grimm #timmcmenamin
Multnomah County's Wapato Jail, with 13th Anniversary Fast Approaching, Remains Dark and Unused::
With the 13th anniversary of Wapato’s completion fast approaching, current county officials, like those who preceded them, are left wondering what to do with a mothballed facility that costs taxpayers between $300,000 and $400,000 a year to maintain. That means the county has spent about $4.5 million since Wapato was completed to keep it safely in mothballs. It’s been so long since the project was launched, in fact, that all of the bonds sold to finance the jail will be paid off by 2016 – possibly before it has ever housed a single inmate. “The core issue is that a prior county board, in an ill-advised move, decided to build this facility when it wasn’t clear that it was needed or that we could afford to operate it,” board Chairman Jeff Cogen said. “Unfortunately, both turned out to be true.”
#Portland #Multnomah #WapatoJail #MCRP #orcot #orpol #Taxes #MultnomahJail #Grimm #Portlandia
#Portland #Multnomah #WapatoJail #MCRP #orcot #orpol #Taxes #MultnomahJail #Grimm #Portlandia
Sex offenders in Oregon: Oregonian Exclusive
Sex offenders in Oregon: Oregonian Exclusive
Sex offenders in Oregon: Report exposes huge gaps in state, federal trackingOregonian reporter Maxine Bernstein started looking into sex offender registration laws to find out how a California man could move to Oregon and repeatedly flout the laws, eventually killing a 15-year-old girl and then a 32-year-old woman in Portland.http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2013/09/sex_offenders_in_oregon_oregon.html#PortlandPedophiles #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Clackamas #Multnomah #OregonPedophiles #Brentwood #EastMoreland #Sellwood
Sex offenders in Oregon: Report exposes huge gaps in state, federal trackingOregonian reporter Maxine Bernstein started looking into sex offender registration laws to find out how a California man could move to Oregon and repeatedly flout the laws, eventually killing a 15-year-old girl and then a 32-year-old woman in Portland.http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2013/09/sex_offenders_in_oregon_oregon.html#PortlandPedophiles #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Clackamas #Multnomah #OregonPedophiles #Brentwood #EastMoreland #Sellwood
Un-Elected Governor Brown Undermining Rights of Parents::
Un-Elected Governor Brown Undermining Rights of Parents::
Governor Brown has put herself in charge of Oregon’s Education System and Oregon’s healthcare network: the Oregon Health Authority. As a result of this double take-over, there is a Triple Threat to our children and their families. That threat includes the Network of School Based Health Centers (SBHCs); the grades K-12 Comprehensive Sexuality Education Standards that the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) promotes; and the Annual Adolescent Sexuality Conference in Seaside (ASC). And what makes this Triple Threat even more unreasonable is that the governor is using our money to pay for it! I believe that if School Boards, School Administration/Staff and parents were actually asked to make the choice to spend millions of public dollars on SBHCs, Sexuality Education, and the Adolescent Sexuality Conference, or to spend those dollars on the Education which we expect and which our children need and deserve, that the choice would overwhelmingly be for the latter!
#Oregon #Portland #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Brentwood #Darlington #EastMoreland #WestMoreland #Sellwood
Governor Brown has put herself in charge of Oregon’s Education System and Oregon’s healthcare network: the Oregon Health Authority. As a result of this double take-over, there is a Triple Threat to our children and their families. That threat includes the Network of School Based Health Centers (SBHCs); the grades K-12 Comprehensive Sexuality Education Standards that the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) promotes; and the Annual Adolescent Sexuality Conference in Seaside (ASC). And what makes this Triple Threat even more unreasonable is that the governor is using our money to pay for it! I believe that if School Boards, School Administration/Staff and parents were actually asked to make the choice to spend millions of public dollars on SBHCs, Sexuality Education, and the Adolescent Sexuality Conference, or to spend those dollars on the Education which we expect and which our children need and deserve, that the choice would overwhelmingly be for the latter!
#Oregon #Portland #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Brentwood #Darlington #EastMoreland #WestMoreland #Sellwood
GOP Candidate for Senate Booted from Editorial Meeting after Calling out 'blah blah' Disrespect
GOP Candidate for Senate Booted from Editorial Meeting after Calling out 'blah blah' Disrespect::
A Republican Senate candidate was kicked out of a local Oregon newspaper's editorial board meeting after daring to challenge a reporter who dissed a fellow candidate by writing "blah blah blah" in his notes instead of her actual quotes. For those folks that may not know the publisher of the Willamette Week, Richard Meeker, is the husband of our Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum. Coincidence? The video of Mark Callahan's Fox & Friends interview, with Tucker Carlson, on 5/4/14, regarding the Willamette Week's contentious showdown with the liberal interview panel:
#MarkCallahan #Oregon #orgop #orcot #orpol #CallahanForSenate #FoxNews #WillametteWeek #Portland
#Oregon #orgop #orcot #orpol #CallahanForSenate #FoxNews #WillametteWeek #Portland
A Republican Senate candidate was kicked out of a local Oregon newspaper's editorial board meeting after daring to challenge a reporter who dissed a fellow candidate by writing "blah blah blah" in his notes instead of her actual quotes. For those folks that may not know the publisher of the Willamette Week, Richard Meeker, is the husband of our Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum. Coincidence? The video of Mark Callahan's Fox & Friends interview, with Tucker Carlson, on 5/4/14, regarding the Willamette Week's contentious showdown with the liberal interview panel:
#MarkCallahan #Oregon #orgop #orcot #orpol #CallahanForSenate #FoxNews #WillametteWeek #Portland
#Oregon #orgop #orcot #orpol #CallahanForSenate #FoxNews #WillametteWeek #Portland
Mom Questions Spin Doctors’ Salaries While School Funding's Tight
Mom Questions Spin Doctors’ Salaries While School Funding's Tight
PORTLAND, Ore. – KATU’s On Your Side Investigators have discovered Portland Public Schools spends a half-million dollars on spin doctors - staff members in communications and lobbying positions. Meanwhile, schools have struggled with overcrowded classrooms. Below is the annual salary information on five employees in PPS’s community involvement and public affairs department:
Chief of Communications and Public Affairs: $124,500
Director, Government Relations - $98,047
Sr. Manager/Community & Staff Engagement – $82,197
Sr. Manager/Community & Staff Engagement - $82,197
Manager/ School News & Social Media - $71,534
Here’s how the annual salary totals for their communications departments stack up:
Portland Public Schools - $458,475
#Portland #PDX #PPS #Brentwood #Darlington #EastMoreland #WestMoreland #Sellwood #timmcmenamin
PORTLAND, Ore. – KATU’s On Your Side Investigators have discovered Portland Public Schools spends a half-million dollars on spin doctors - staff members in communications and lobbying positions. Meanwhile, schools have struggled with overcrowded classrooms. Below is the annual salary information on five employees in PPS’s community involvement and public affairs department:
Chief of Communications and Public Affairs: $124,500
Director, Government Relations - $98,047
Sr. Manager/Community & Staff Engagement – $82,197
Sr. Manager/Community & Staff Engagement - $82,197
Manager/ School News & Social Media - $71,534
Here’s how the annual salary totals for their communications departments stack up:
Portland Public Schools - $458,475
#Portland #PDX #PPS #Brentwood #Darlington #EastMoreland #WestMoreland #Sellwood #timmcmenamin
Friday, July 29, 2016
How Coors and Democratic politicians almost killed Oregon Beer.
How Coors and Democratic politicians almost killed Oregon Beer.
Few state laws have shaped Portland's economy and culture like Senate Bill 813, otherwise known as the Brewpub Bill.
The law, which was passed 30 years ago today and signed into law by Vic Atiyeh, Oregon's last Republican governor, effectively created the state's craft beer industry as we know it. "The Brewpub Bill brought craft beer out of the closet," McMenamins co-founder Mike McMenamin says. "Once we had it, the whole idea of dark, dingy taverns started to slowly disappear. It got families in there and just opened things up."
Few state laws have shaped Portland's economy and culture like Senate Bill 813, otherwise known as the Brewpub Bill.
The law, which was passed 30 years ago today and signed into law by Vic Atiyeh, Oregon's last Republican governor, effectively created the state's craft beer industry as we know it. "The Brewpub Bill brought craft beer out of the closet," McMenamins co-founder Mike McMenamin says. "Once we had it, the whole idea of dark, dingy taverns started to slowly disappear. It got families in there and just opened things up."
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Milwaukie, Oregon Parking Lot Going Up Next To Reliable Credit Same Block::
Reliable Credit next to the Farmers Market owns that block and is taking out five downtown business' to put in parking for it's employees. So, when Metro is finished there will be a five story, high density apartments across from Milwaukie City Hall and a parking lot, for Reliable employees only, on the north block next to these apartments. Not exactly revitalizing Downtown Milwaukie but what do you expect from City Councilors (except Scott Churchill) who are using Our City for their political advancement. Think about this, how did the Light Rail become reality if the citizens of Miwaukie voted it down three times? Where does Carlotta Collette work and where did she get her start?
#Milwaukie #OakGrove #Clackamas #MilwaukieFarmersMarket #FarmersMarket #TimMcMenamin
#Milwaukie #OakGrove #Clackamas #MilwaukieFarmersMarket #FarmersMarket #TimMcMenamin
Milwaukie, Oregon Say Goodbye To Your Farmers Market
The Milwaukie City Council Voted Tuesday night to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Metro to build a Five Story High Density Apartment Building with No Parking! On the site of the Milwaukie Farmers Market. Despite an overflow crowd in opposition to this. The only Counselor in opposition was Scott Churchill. He made a motion to table this until more citizens were informed but none of the other councilors would second his motion. You can watch the Milwaukie City Hall meeting by following this link. More to come, such as were is this IGA?? It was removed from the City's Website.
This IGA was signed in 2006 and expired in 2011. If you think we should let the City Council know how you feel email them and follow my posts to receive additional information on this IGA. The True information that you have not been given. You can fast forward to Ed Zumwalts testimony.
This IGA was signed in 2006 and expired in 2011. If you think we should let the City Council know how you feel email them and follow my posts to receive additional information on this IGA. The True information that you have not been given. You can fast forward to Ed Zumwalts testimony.
Milwaukie, Oregon Where are The Tree Huggers When You Need Them
Some are confused about my last post on Our Milwaukie City Council voting to basically sell the Farmers Market to Metro so they can put up a five story high density housing with NO Parking! This aerial view should help. Metro owns the little strip next to McLoughlin Blvd. and Milwaukie owns 5% of that strip. Metro should have given it to us when they pushed the light rail on us. Let them do what they want with it. The other 75% is owned by Milwaukie. Your City Councilors just gave Our Lot to Metro except Scott Churchill he voted NO, with the residents of Milwaukie. What about all the trees that provide shade for the Farmers Market, First Friday, and parking. Ed Zumwalt said it best if you watched the video (you can fast forward) “All of you folks are using this as a launching pad for your Political careers except Scott Churchill”. #Milwaukie
Monday, June 13, 2016
Oregon's Economy is Not Keeping up with Current Spending Levels::
Oregon's Economy is Not Keeping up with Current Spending Levels::
With today's revenue forecast we learned that Oregon's economy is not keeping up with current spending levels. Even with record revenues, our ending fund balance is expected to be $57.1 million below previous projections, largely due to overspending by Democrats during the 2016 session.
With today's revenue forecast we learned that Oregon's economy is not keeping up with current spending levels. Even with record revenues, our ending fund balance is expected to be $57.1 million below previous projections, largely due to overspending by Democrats during the 2016 session.
In the last 4 years Oregon Democrats Raised 63 Taxes or Fees on Jobs::
In the last 4 years Oregon Democrats raised 63 taxes or fees on jobs, resulting in $1.4 million cost increase for accountants, social workers, doctors, chiropractors, pharmacists, counselors & therapists, and nurses.
In the past 4 years Oregon Democrats have raised 43 taxes and fees on Education::
In the past 4 years Oregon Democrats have raised 43 taxes and fees on Education, resulting in $1.8 million increased costs for teachers, GEDs, obtaining transcripts, charter schools, and career schools.
In the last 4 years Oregon Democrats have raised 187 taxes and fees on businesses::
In the last 4 years Oregon Democrats have raised 187 taxes and fees on businesses::
In the last 4 years Oregon Democrats have raised 187 taxes and fees on businesses, resulting in $86.5 million increased costs for farmers, organic farmers, fertilizer inspections, mining, building code inspections, storage facilities, labor contractors, workers compensation, and more.
In the last 4 years Oregon Democrats have raised 187 taxes and fees on businesses, resulting in $86.5 million increased costs for farmers, organic farmers, fertilizer inspections, mining, building code inspections, storage facilities, labor contractors, workers compensation, and more.
Oregon Governor Kate Brown Lends Hand To Tax Hike Campaign::
Oregon Governor Kate Brown Lends Hand To Tax Hike Campaign::
"Kate Brown's slipperiness on Initiative Petition 28 doesn't shout "governor material." Someone who seeks election to the state's highest office ought to tell voters where she stands on the biggest tax hike in state history and the most significant ballot initiative in recent memory. Yet Kate Brown keeps ducking." The Legislative Revenue Office noted, among other things, that the tax would slow the growth in private-sector employment and behave much like a sales tax, reducing annual income by hundreds of dollars even for people making less than $21,000 per year. Good luck selling that to voters.
#Oregon #Portland #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Brentwood #Darlington #OregonSalesTax #PDXTaxHike #pdxtaxincrease #timmcmenamin #Clackamas #Multnomah
"Kate Brown's slipperiness on Initiative Petition 28 doesn't shout "governor material." Someone who seeks election to the state's highest office ought to tell voters where she stands on the biggest tax hike in state history and the most significant ballot initiative in recent memory. Yet Kate Brown keeps ducking." The Legislative Revenue Office noted, among other things, that the tax would slow the growth in private-sector employment and behave much like a sales tax, reducing annual income by hundreds of dollars even for people making less than $21,000 per year. Good luck selling that to voters.
#Oregon #Portland #Milwaukie #OakGrove #Brentwood #Darlington #OregonSalesTax #PDXTaxHike #pdxtaxincrease #timmcmenamin #Clackamas #Multnomah
Friday, May 6, 2016
Oregon DHS Director Erinn Kelley-Siel Stepping Down::
Oregon DHS Director Erinn Kelley-Siel Stepping Down::
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Erinn Kelley-Siel is leaving her job as Director of the Oregon Department of Human Services as of July 24, 2015. Why did it take so long? Erinn Kelley-Siel joined the agency in 2008, serving as Director of Adult, Children, and Family Welfare Services. Before that, Kelley-Siel served as a policy adviser for Gov. Ted Kulongoski after being one of Kulongoski's law clerks when he was a judge on the Oregon Supreme Court. Then Former Gov. John Kitzhaber appointed Kelley-Siel in 2011 as the Director of DHS. Why isn't Kelley-Siel's name mentioned in any of these lawsuits? Like most Department heads she resigned just before these allegations of mismanagement occured. She never answered one of my letters that I started writing her in 2008 concerning welfare fraud by her staff and the blatant disregard for the law her employees had in their positions. Crony Capitalism at it's Best. I wonder what Department she is at now?
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Erinn Kelley-Siel is leaving her job as Director of the Oregon Department of Human Services as of July 24, 2015. Why did it take so long? Erinn Kelley-Siel joined the agency in 2008, serving as Director of Adult, Children, and Family Welfare Services. Before that, Kelley-Siel served as a policy adviser for Gov. Ted Kulongoski after being one of Kulongoski's law clerks when he was a judge on the Oregon Supreme Court. Then Former Gov. John Kitzhaber appointed Kelley-Siel in 2011 as the Director of DHS. Why isn't Kelley-Siel's name mentioned in any of these lawsuits? Like most Department heads she resigned just before these allegations of mismanagement occured. She never answered one of my letters that I started writing her in 2008 concerning welfare fraud by her staff and the blatant disregard for the law her employees had in their positions. Crony Capitalism at it's Best. I wonder what Department she is at now?
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Oregon DHS reaches $15 Million Dollar Settlement in Foster Child Sex Abuse Lawsuit::
Oregon DHS reaches $15M settlement in foster child sex abuse lawsuit::
The Oregon Department of Human Services reached a $15 Million Dollar settlement in a civil lawsuit filed by nine former foster children of a man who admitted to sexually abusing the children. DHS Interim Director Gene Evans said the DHS is taking responsibility for the actions committed against the children. "DHS knows, understands and admits responsibility for the damages suffered by these innocent victims," he said. "The settlement reflects the agency's accountability for failing to ensure the safety of these children in its care". All of these errors in conduct occurred under former
Director Erinn Kelley-Siel, former clerk to Kulongoski, a name you will never hear.
The Oregon Department of Human Services reached a $15 Million Dollar settlement in a civil lawsuit filed by nine former foster children of a man who admitted to sexually abusing the children. DHS Interim Director Gene Evans said the DHS is taking responsibility for the actions committed against the children. "DHS knows, understands and admits responsibility for the damages suffered by these innocent victims," he said. "The settlement reflects the agency's accountability for failing to ensure the safety of these children in its care". All of these errors in conduct occurred under former
Director Erinn Kelley-Siel, former clerk to Kulongoski, a name you will never hear.
Portland homeowner forced to plant trees because of kitchen remodel project::
Portland Homeowner Forced to Plant Trees because of Kitchen Remodel Project::
Oregon, Did You Think Your Property Belonged To You??
A Portland woman has to plant five trees outside of her home or she'll face a $1,000 per tree fine. Lori Colbert received a letter from the city demanding she plants the trees by July 19 because her kitchen remodel costs more than $25,000. If she doesn't comply, she faces a $5,000 fine, plus a charge from the city to come out and do the work themselves. "It's frustrating that the city would do this, making me spend extra money, you know, I've saved for a kitchen remodel, I'm sure my property taxes are going to go up and now I have to come up with additional money, " said Colbert.
Oregon DHS: $60 Million Lawsuit, Officials Fired
Oregon DHS: $60 Million Lawsuit, Officials Fired::
DHS has been under unrelenting attack since a series of media reports last year showed how the department had let a foster care agency remain open for years despite complaints. There is also a federal investigation into financial oversight. Also Friday, the department was hit by a $60 million lawsuit charging officials allowed two children under their supervision to endure severe starvation.
DHS has been under unrelenting attack since a series of media reports last year showed how the department had let a foster care agency remain open for years despite complaints. There is also a federal investigation into financial oversight. Also Friday, the department was hit by a $60 million lawsuit charging officials allowed two children under their supervision to endure severe starvation.
Oregon DHS Mishaps Discussed After Years of Inaction-
SALEM, Ore. (KOIN) — After years of inaction, state leaders are opening up thousands of cases of neglect and abuse with the Department of Human Services. But KOIN 6 News learned the cases in question didn’t involve minor mistakes, but widespread neglect and the misuse of millions of taxpayer dollars over several years.
Be warned, the biggest violators of Parental Rights are those who support and pass Oregon Legislation
The time frame to begin meddling in the relationship between parent and child unofficially begins when the child is 12 years old...according to the Patient Centered Primary Care Institute (PCPCI). Yes, this is yet another State Agency (2000 total). Be warned, the biggest violators of parental rights are those who support and pass Oregon legislation that caters to the listed entities giving them greater access to our children. The Oregon Department of Education (ODE); Oregon Health Authority (OHA); Planned Parenthood; Basic Rights Oregon; Cascade Aids Project; Working to Institutionalize Sex Education (WISE grant money from the Grove Foundation). All of these organizations listed are working side-by-side with many of the legislators to hi-jack parental rights and turn them over to our minor children so they can direct their own health care needs. These are children in whom the decision making portion of the brain will not be fully developed until they are around 25 years old. While the process of government separating you from your child has been underway for decades, the passage of the Affordable Care Act has accelerated the intrusion into what used to be referred to as "private families matters". The time frame to begin meddling in the relationship between parent and child unofficially begins when the child is 12 years old...according to the PCPCI. But look to the following entities who are already embedded in the public school system and have begun the process of proselytizing to your child beginning in kindergarten: The Oregon Department of Education (ODE); Oregon Health Authority (OHA); Planned Parenthood; Basic Rights Oregon; Cascade Aids Project; Working to Institutionalize Sex Education (WISE grant money from the Grove Foundation).
Our Oregon Website Funded by PERS has Multi-Billion $$ Sales Tax on November Ballot:
Our Oregon Website Funded by PERS has Multi-Billion $$ Sales Tax on November Ballot:
The measure, backed by Our Oregon, is designed to raised $2.5 billion a year by taxing corporations with Oregon sales over $25 million annually. Our Oregon, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that gets much of its funding from public employee unions, made small in-kind contributions to related political action committees working on tax increase measures over the course 2015, totaling $150,000. Meanwhile, the business-backed group formed to counteract Our Oregon, called Grow Oregon, is going on the offensive. Grow Oregon Now has begun canvassing businesses and chambers of commerce around the state in an effort to build opposition to the tax hikes.
The measure, backed by Our Oregon, is designed to raised $2.5 billion a year by taxing corporations with Oregon sales over $25 million annually. Our Oregon, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that gets much of its funding from public employee unions, made small in-kind contributions to related political action committees working on tax increase measures over the course 2015, totaling $150,000. Meanwhile, the business-backed group formed to counteract Our Oregon, called Grow Oregon, is going on the offensive. Grow Oregon Now has begun canvassing businesses and chambers of commerce around the state in an effort to build opposition to the tax hikes.
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