A native Oregonian having been born and raised in our District. A Pharmacy Manager of a Community and Retail Pharmacy. I know how to run a business. A Long Term Care Pharmacist. I know the issues facing our aging baby boomers. A full time Care Giver. I know what it is like to struggle with work and caring for our aging parents.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Cartel Alive, Thriving, and Growing in Portland & Oregon
So far this year, drug cops in Oregon have intercepted $1,071,727 in cash from 105 drug-related parcels. Last year, they seized $524,915 in 56 packages. This is suppose to double every year even after Marijuana becomes available leagally.
#portlandoregon #oregon #ocot #tcot #marijuanalegalization #orgop #multgop #lnyhbt
#portlandoregon #oregon #ocot #tcot #marijuanalegalization #orgop #multgop #lnyhbt
Cartel Alive, Thriving, and Growing in Portland & Oregon
So far this year, drug cops in Oregon have intercepted $1,071,727 in cash from 105 drug-related parcels. Last year, they seized $524,915 in 56 packages. This is suppose to double every year even after Marijuana becomes available leagally.
#milwaukie #portland #pdx #pdxevents #grimm #leveage #oregon #ocot #tcot #marijuanalegalization #orgop #multgop #lnyhbt
#milwaukie #portland #pdx #pdxevents #grimm #leveage #oregon #ocot #tcot #marijuanalegalization #orgop #multgop #lnyhbt
Five downtown Milwaukie businesses face demolition to put up a parking lot!!
The Milwaukie City Hall, Mayor Ferguson, and The Planning Commission Did Not make this very public but there is a meeting tonight Tuesday December 9th at 6:30 at City Hall on the proposed demolition of the block where the restaurant Casa de Tamales is located to build a parking structure. In All my years listening to All the different Mayors and City Counsel Members talking about all the different ideas to revitalize Downtown Milwaukie over the last 40 years demolishing business to put up a parking lot does not seem to be the way to go. Please show up and make your voice heard. There are plenty of alternatives on the board.
#milwaukie #milwaukieheights #milhi #mustangs #milwaukiehighschool #milwaukieplanning #downtownmilwaukie
#milwaukie #milwaukieheights #milhi #mustangs #milwaukiehighschool #milwaukieplanning #downtownmilwaukie
Cartel Alive, Thriving, and Growing in Portland & Oregon
So far this year, drug cops in Oregon have intercepted $1,071,727 in cash from 105 drug-related parcels. Last year, they seized $524,915 in 56 packages. This is suppose to double every year even after Marijuana becomes available leagally.
#portland #pdx #oregon #marijuana #orcot #tcot #pdxevents #pulpportland #orgop #multgop #mcmenamin4or
#portland #pdx #oregon #marijuana #orcot #tcot #pdxevents #pulpportland #orgop #multgop #mcmenamin4or
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Five downtown Milwaukie businesses face demolition to put up a parking lot!!
The Milwaukie City Hall, Mayor Ferguson, and The Planning Commission Did Not make this very public but there is a meeting tonight Monday December 1st and Tuesday December 9th at 6:30 at City Hall on the proposed demolition of the block where the restaurant Casa de Tamales is located to build a parking structure. In All my years listening to All the different Mayors and City Counsel Members talking about all the different ideas to revitalize Downtown Milwaukie over the last 40 years demolishing business to put up a parking lot does not seem to be the way to go. Please show up and make your voice heard.
#milwaukie #oakgrove #milwaukieheights #milhi #mustangs #orcot #lnyhbt #ff #canbyasparagasfarms
#milwaukie #oakgrove #milwaukieheights #milhi #mustangs #orcot #lnyhbt #ff #canbyasparagasfarms
Five downtown Milwaukie businesses face demolition to put up a parking lot!!
The Milwaukie City Hall, Mayor Ferguson, and The Planning Commission Did Not make this very public but there is a meeting tonight Monday December 1st and Tuesday December 9th at 6:30 at City Hall on the proposed demolition of the block where the restaurant Casa de Tamales is located to build a parking structure. In All my years listening to All the different Mayors and City Counsel Members talking about all the different ideas to revitalize Downtown Milwaukie over the last 40 years demolishing business to put up a parking lot does not seem to be the way to go. Please show up and make your voice heard.
#milwaukie #oakgrove #milwaukieheights #milhi #mustangs #orcot #lnyhbt #ff #canbyasparagasfarms
#milwaukie #oakgrove #milwaukieheights #milhi #mustangs #orcot #lnyhbt #ff #canbyasparagasfarms
Five downtown Milwaukie businesses face demolition to put up a parking lot!!
The Milwaukie City Hall, Mayor Ferguson, and The Planning Commission Did Not make this very public but there is a meeting tonight Monday December 1st and Tuesday December 9th at 6:30 at City Hall on the proposed demolition of the block where the restaurant Casa de Tamales is located to build a parking structure. In All my years listening to All the different Mayors and City Counsel Members talking about all the different ideas to revitalize Downtown Milwaukie over the last 40 years demolishing business to put up a parking lot does not seem to be the way to go. Please show up and make your voice heard.
#milwaukie #oakgrove #milwaukieheights #milhi #mustangs #orcot #lnyhbt #ff #canbyasparagasfarms
#milwaukie #oakgrove #milwaukieheights #milhi #mustangs #orcot #lnyhbt #ff #canbyasparagasfarms
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Dems state leaders issued report suggesting happy economic days here again.
Several of these new political policies will further target the budgets of lower and middle income Oregonians. Given that reality, I do not expect the bleak economic outlook for Oregon families and communities to improve into the foreseeable future. The latest recession hit Oregon much harder than most other states. The celebrated"recovery” has yet to even restore the number of jobs that were lost during that recession.
For instance, comparing pre-recession 2007 and current 2014 numbers:
*The total number of current Oregon jobs remains nearly 14,000 fewer than in 2007.
*Private sector employment is down nearly 17,000 jobs, while Government sector employment has increased by about 3,000 jobs. Only the Portland metropolitan area has registered positive job growth since 2007. Other metropolitan areas, including Bend, Corvallis, Eugene, Medford and Salem, remain about 4 percent below 2007 employment opportunity levels. Virtually all of the more rural districts outside of those six metropolitan areas remain at least eight percent below 2007 job numbers. Even worse, Oregon’s workforce participation rate is at the lowest level since officials started keeping records in 1976. According to the Oregon Employment Department, more than two of every five Oregonians who are capable of working are currently neither working nor looking for employment.
#oregon #orcot #tcot #orpol #orleg #portland #cronycapitalism #corruption
For instance, comparing pre-recession 2007 and current 2014 numbers:
*The total number of current Oregon jobs remains nearly 14,000 fewer than in 2007.
*Private sector employment is down nearly 17,000 jobs, while Government sector employment has increased by about 3,000 jobs. Only the Portland metropolitan area has registered positive job growth since 2007. Other metropolitan areas, including Bend, Corvallis, Eugene, Medford and Salem, remain about 4 percent below 2007 employment opportunity levels. Virtually all of the more rural districts outside of those six metropolitan areas remain at least eight percent below 2007 job numbers. Even worse, Oregon’s workforce participation rate is at the lowest level since officials started keeping records in 1976. According to the Oregon Employment Department, more than two of every five Oregonians who are capable of working are currently neither working nor looking for employment.
#oregon #orcot #tcot #orpol #orleg #portland #cronycapitalism #corruption
How Much More In State, Property, County, & City Taxes Do You Want To Pay?
This week's email comes as Novick and Hales take a breather from their barnstorming tour of town halls and public meetings to push for more street maintenance. According to PBOT's 2014-15 budget, just $11.3 million of the estimated $102.8 million in discretionary money in the agency's coffers will go to direct pavement maintenance. The city, Novick said, pays more for other key maintenance work such as traffic control, than on physical pavement. Younger Oregonians are persistently experiencing the highest levels of joblessness. Oregonians’ household net worth has also declined more than 40 percent during the past seven years. Reduced equity in personal residences, diminished savings and increased personal debt are the leading causes for the sharp decline in net worth. In my opinion, Oregon’s economy will not recover until any number of failed political polices are dramatically reversed. The outcome of the recent state election virtually ensures that those changes will not be made in the next four years.
#portlandoregon #pdxevents #grimm #leveage #pulpportland #pdxstreetfee #oregon #orcot #tcot #orpol #orleg #portland #cronycapitalism #corruption
#portlandoregon #pdxevents #grimm #leveage #pulpportland #pdxstreetfee #oregon #orcot #tcot #orpol #orleg #portland #cronycapitalism #corruption
Kitzhaber Short-term fix, long-term vision for transportation needs
Kitzhaber proposes a two-year, $3.5 billion budget for the Department of Transportation. All but $37.7 million comes from sources outside the tax-supported general fund, such as fuel taxes, vehicle and driver fees, and federal grants.Kitzhaber has Appointed a Transportation Vision Panel, which will submit its report in 2015. Can you not see the crony capitalism and culture of corruption? Oregonians’ household net worth has declined more than 40 percent during the past seven years. Reduced equity in personal residences, diminished savings and increased personal debt are the leading causes for the sharp decline in net worth. In my opinion, Oregon’s economy will not recover until any number of failed political polices are dramatically reversed. The outcome of the recent state election virtually ensures that those changes will not be made in the next four years. In my opinion, Oregon’s economy will not recover until any number of failed political polices are dramatically reversed. The outcome of the recent state election virtually ensures that those changes will not be made in the next four years.
#oregon #orcot #tcot #orpol #orleg #portland #cronycapitalism #corruption mcmenamin4or
#oregon #orcot #tcot #orpol #orleg #portland #cronycapitalism #corruption mcmenamin4or
What About The Middle Class?? People, Can You Not See The Cronyism??
What about the middle class? Those working, paying very high taxes and barely able to pay for their health insurance, their children's college tuition (which will go up under the present Governor's budget), their own rent/mortgage payment, increasing cost of food and ever increasing utility bills (due primarily to energy companies being forced to incorporate expensive 'alternative energy sources'), their car payments and gas in the rural areas of the state............etc. Why should we borrow, as a state/citizens to pay for new housing for anyone? From the article it appears most will be built in Portland - look around at the incredible poverty in the rural areas of this state. Younger Oregonians are persistently experiencing the highest levels of joblessness. Millennial and members of"Generation X” are generally struggling to make ends meet. Nearly a quarter of the population between the ages of 18 and 25, who want to work, either cannot find jobs or can only find part-time employment.Not surprisingly, Oregonians’ household net worth has also declined more than 40 percent during the past seven years. Reduced equity in personal residences, diminished savings and increased personal debt are the leading causes for the sharp decline in net worth.
#orcot #tcot #orpol #orleg #pulppdx #pdxevents #portland #oregon #cronycapitalism #corruption
#orcot #tcot #orpol #orleg #pulppdx #pdxevents #portland #oregon #cronycapitalism #corruption
Monday, December 1, 2014
Canby Asparagas Farms Casa de Tamales Replaced by Parking Lot!!
The Milwaukie City Hall, Mayor Ferguson, and The Planning Commission Did Not make this very public but there is a meeting tonight Monday December 1st and Tuesday December 9th at 6:30 at City Hall on the proposed demolition of the block where the restaurant Casa de Tamales is located to build a parking structure. In All my years listening to All the different Mayors and City Counsel Members talking about all the different ideas to revitalize Downtown Milwaukie over the last 40 years demolishing business to put up a parking lot does not seem to be the way to go. Please show up and make your voice heard.
#milwaukie #clackamas #downtownmilwaukie #milhi #milwaukiecityhall #mayorferguson #orpol #lnyhbt
#milwaukie #clackamas #downtownmilwaukie #milhi #milwaukiecityhall #mayorferguson #orpol #lnyhbt
Canby Asparagas Farms Casa de Tamales Replaced by Parking Lot!!
The Milwaukie City Hall, Mayor Ferguson, and The Planning Commission Did Not make this very public but there is a meeting tonight Monday December 1st and Tuesday December 9th at 6:30 at City Hall on the proposed demolition of the block where the restaurant Casa de Tamales is located to build a parking structure. In All my years listening to All the different Mayors and City Counsel Members talking about all the different ideas to revitalize Downtown Milwaukie over the last 40 years demolishing business to put up a parking lot does not seem to be the way to go. Please show up and make your voice heard.
#milwaukie #clackamas #downtownmilwaukie #milhi #milwaukiecityhall #mayorferguson #orpol #lnyhbt
#milwaukie #clackamas #downtownmilwaukie #milhi #milwaukiecityhall #mayorferguson #orpol #lnyhbt
Canby Asparagas Farms Casa de Tamales Replaced by Parking Lot!!
The Milwaukie City Hall, Mayor Ferguson, and The Planning Commission Did Not make this very public but there is a meeting tonight Monday December 1st and Tuesday December 9th at 6:30 at City Hall on the proposed demolition of the block where the restaurant Casa de Tamales is located to build a parking structure. In All my years listening to All the different Mayors and City Counsel Members talking about all the different ideas to revitalize Downtown Milwaukie over the last 40 years demolishing business to put up a parking lot does not seem to be the way to go. Please show up and make your voice heard.
#milwaukie #clackamas #downtownmilwaukie #milhi #milwaukiecityhall #mayorferguson #orpol #lnyhbt
#milwaukie #clackamas #downtownmilwaukie #milhi #milwaukiecityhall #mayorferguson #orpol #lnyhbt
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