Friday, May 6, 2016

Oregon DHS Director Erinn Kelley-Siel Stepping Down::

Oregon DHS Director Erinn Kelley-Siel Stepping Down::
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Erinn Kelley-Siel is leaving her job as Director of the Oregon Department of Human Services as of July 24, 2015. Why did it take so long? Erinn Kelley-Siel joined the agency in 2008, serving as Director of Adult, Children, and Family Welfare Services. Before that, Kelley-Siel served as a policy adviser for Gov. Ted Kulongoski after being one of Kulongoski's law clerks when he was a judge on the Oregon Supreme Court. Then Former Gov. John Kitzhaber appointed Kelley-Siel in 2011 as the Director of DHS. Why isn't Kelley-Siel's name mentioned in any of these lawsuits? Like most Department heads she resigned just before these allegations of mismanagement occured. She never answered one of my letters that I started writing her in 2008 concerning welfare fraud by her staff and the blatant disregard for the law her employees had in their positions. Crony Capitalism at it's Best. I wonder what Department she is at now?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Oregon DHS reaches $15 Million Dollar Settlement in Foster Child Sex Abuse Lawsuit::

Oregon DHS reaches $15M settlement in foster child sex abuse lawsuit::
The Oregon Department of Human Services reached a $15 Million Dollar settlement in a civil lawsuit filed by nine former foster children of a man who admitted to sexually abusing the children. DHS Interim Director Gene Evans said the DHS is taking responsibility for the actions committed against the children. "DHS knows, understands and admits responsibility for the damages suffered by these innocent victims," he said. "The settlement reflects the agency's accountability for failing to ensure the safety of these children in its care". All of these errors in conduct occurred under former
Director Erinn Kelley-Siel, former clerk to Kulongoski, a name you will never hear.

Portland homeowner forced to plant trees because of kitchen remodel project::

Portland Homeowner Forced to Plant Trees because of Kitchen Remodel Project::
Oregon, Did You Think Your Property Belonged To You?? 
A Portland woman has to plant five trees outside of her home or she'll face a $1,000 per tree fine. Lori Colbert received a letter from the city demanding she plants the trees by July 19 because her kitchen remodel costs more than $25,000. If she doesn't comply, she faces a $5,000 fine, plus a charge from the city to come out and do the work themselves. "It's frustrating that the city would do this, making me spend extra money, you know, I've saved for a kitchen remodel, I'm sure my property taxes are going to go up and now I have to come up with additional money, " said Colbert. 

Oregon DHS: $60 Million Lawsuit, Officials Fired

Oregon DHS: $60 Million Lawsuit, Officials Fired::
DHS has been under unrelenting attack since a series of media reports last year showed how the department had let a foster care agency remain open for years despite complaints. There is also a federal investigation into financial oversight. Also Friday, the department was hit by a $60 million lawsuit charging officials allowed two children under their supervision to endure severe starvation.

Oregon DHS Mishaps Discussed After Years of Inaction-

SALEM, Ore. (KOIN) — After years of inaction, state leaders are opening up thousands of cases of neglect and abuse with the Department of Human Services. But KOIN 6 News learned the cases in question didn’t involve minor mistakes, but widespread neglect and the misuse of millions of taxpayer dollars over several years. 

Be warned, the biggest violators of Parental Rights are those who support and pass Oregon Legislation

The time frame to begin meddling in the relationship between parent and child unofficially begins when the child is 12 years old...according to the Patient Centered Primary Care Institute (PCPCI). Yes, this is yet another State Agency (2000 total).  Be warned, the biggest violators of parental rights are those who support and pass Oregon legislation that caters to the listed entities giving them greater access to our children. The Oregon Department of Education (ODE); Oregon Health Authority (OHA); Planned Parenthood; Basic Rights Oregon; Cascade Aids Project; Working to Institutionalize Sex Education (WISE grant money from the Grove Foundation). All of these organizations listed are working side-by-side with many of the legislators to hi-jack parental rights and turn them over to our minor children so they can direct their own health care needs. These are children in whom the decision making portion of the brain will not be fully developed until they are around 25 years old. While the process of government separating you from your child has been underway for decades, the passage of the Affordable Care Act has accelerated the intrusion into what used to be referred to as "private families matters". The time frame to begin meddling in the relationship between parent and child unofficially begins when the child is 12 years old...according to the PCPCI. But look to the following entities who are already embedded in the public school system and have begun the process of proselytizing to your child beginning in kindergarten: The Oregon Department of Education (ODE); Oregon Health Authority (OHA); Planned Parenthood; Basic Rights Oregon; Cascade Aids Project; Working to Institutionalize Sex Education (WISE grant money from the Grove Foundation). 

Our Oregon Website Funded by PERS has Multi-Billion $$ Sales Tax on November Ballot:

Our Oregon Website Funded by PERS has Multi-Billion $$ Sales Tax on November Ballot:
The measure, backed by Our Oregon, is designed to raised $2.5 billion a year by taxing corporations with Oregon sales over $25 million annually. Our Oregon, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that gets much of its funding from public employee unions, made small in-kind contributions to related political action committees working on tax increase measures over the course 2015, totaling $150,000. Meanwhile, the business-backed group formed to counteract Our Oregon, called Grow Oregon, is going on the offensive. Grow Oregon Now has begun canvassing businesses and chambers of commerce around the state in an effort to build opposition to the tax hikes.

Oregon Attorney General Rosenblum Request To Sue Oracle DENIED:

Oregon Attorney General Rosenblum Request To Sue Oracle DENIED:
A Marion County Circuit Court Judge denied Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum’s request to dismiss Oracle America's lawsuit to enforce an alleged settlement of the Cover Oregon litigation. Oracle contends that Gov. Kate Brown's former chief of staff entered into an oral agreement with an Oracle executive to settle all cases for $25 million. Rosenblum argued that Gov. Kate Brown lacked the authority to settle the cases under the state's False Claims Act. But Circuit Judge Sean Armstrong said neither statute cited by Rosenblum states that only the AG may settle cases. The statutes don’t even grant her the exclusive authority to initiate the actions, Armstrong said in a letter to the attorneys. He wrote that he “cannot conclude that the Governor lacked authority to settle the Oracle claims.” Oracle was pleased with the ruling.
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